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When The Pain Is Too Much


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Awwww :grouphug


I remember how much alike I always thought Stella and Her Royal Whineness Aria were :kiss2 and despite changing your monniker you are still A's mom to me :)


I don't have any helpful advice because it hasn't gotten any easier for me yet either but we have to remember how very very lucky we are that we got the opportunity to love such special pupcakes. And lucky to have a place like GT where everyone understands.




Take the time to stop and smell the flowers - appreciate your everyday ordinary miracles

Carolyn, Faith, Jeff Gordon (aka Jeffy) and Oscar the chilla. Desperately missing our Stella, we'll see you later sweet girl.

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I remember how much alike I always thought Stella and Her Royal Whineness Aria were and despite changing your monniker you are still A's mom to me


I don't have any helpful advice because it hasn't gotten any easier for me yet either but we have to remember how very very lucky we are that we got the opportunity to love such special pupcakes. And lucky to have a place like GT where everyone understands.


Mystella I totally forgot I used to call her that. Boy was she a talker. What I wouldn't give for to hear her whine just one more time. That made me smile :lol

Thank you so much





Loved by

Mozart, Sherri, Xavier, McCleary, Tigger. Amelia and 2 Salukis Poppy and Zarah

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Guest HeatherDemps

I understand.... :( Tomorrow will mark 6 months exactly since we said goodbye to Dempsey. I still cry over him, much more often lately. He was my first dog and I would say the big love of my life. :) I still have my iggy who I love to pieces, but the bond and feelings are completely different. So many aspects of my Big Dog that I miss terribly. There are days where it hits me out of nowhere that he is truly gone (for now). Please know that many of us here understand. Take care....

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