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Strange Looking Nails

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Sam is licking his hind foot a lot since having a couple of nails trimmed. It was a very minimal trimming of two of the nails and in no way should have bothered him. However, I looked at his nails and they look so weird~hollow almost I would say, and you can see the (i think) quick inside. this is looking at them from the bottom. this is also the foot he has a history of corns on so does limp and wears a therapaw on walks. Now I am wondering if the limp is from some kind of nail problem?? I would really appreciate any help. My other grey's nails do not look like this at all.


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This is how it started with Misty and before too long, mostly all her nails were like that. My vet and I thought either SLO or her thyroid. I thought SLO and he leaned towrad thyroid. He was right.

Misty's case in my opinion was severe and the nails started to fall off. My vet removed them all and put her thyroid meds(after testing of course) They started growing back very slowly and growing back healthy.

I would have your vet take a look to see what he/she thinks.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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This is how it started with Misty and before too long, mostly all her nails were like that. My vet and I thought either SLO or her thyroid. I thought SLO and he leaned towrad thyroid. He was right.

Misty's case in my opinion was severe and the nails started to fall off. My vet removed them all and put her thyroid meds(after testing of course) They started growing back very slowly and growing back healthy.

I would have your vet take a look to see what he/she thinks.



Thanks! We see our vet thurs a.m.

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