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We'd noticed some behavioral changes in Argus which led to a trip to the vet. Turns out, he has PRA (Progressive Rentinal Atrophy). He still has vision and is only having problems in dark rooms/hallways and his pupils no longer change with the light - they're dilated all the time.


I was just wondering who else has a GH with this? Any words of wisdom you'd care to share? We're still trying to digest that fact that he is going to go blind.



Robin - Cordova (Memphis), TN

Argus (BB's Turbo) #86152 Oswald Cobblepot X Hilary Pride

Butler (GoodOleBoyRoy) #92232 Castor Troy X Princess Josie

Bridge Angel Callie (Tom S Macaroon) #87886 Black Streaker X Tom S Megan, April 15, 2000 - November 3, 2012

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Guest jerrybird

I have no experience with PRA but my lad was totally blind in one eye and had partial sight in the other. You might want to check out this web site www.blinddogs.com




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My Lynch has PRA and was blind by the time he was 3. He's almost 10 and doing great!! I am very surprised at how easy having a blind dog has been, it's really a non-issue for the most part.

Teaching certain commands such as 'step up, step down, stop, back up (the MOST useful), watch your head,' and more I can't think of right now.

Good luck, I'm sure you and Argus will do great!

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Guest KennelMom

Our girl Hanna is completely blind at 7 1/2 from PRA. She was pretty much already blind before we even had a clue, if that tells you how well she acclimated. I think the most difficult part of her diagnosis were my feelings about it. It was really hard for me to not feel sorry for her...I cried a lot that first week or two. Hanna got a chunky little butt from all the extra treats :rolleyes: And then I accepted it. She accepted it long before I did.


The blind dogs site is good. Our vet did send us to the veterinary opthamalogist just to confirm the diagnosis and that vet sent us home with a bunch of reading material. Since she was pretty much already blind, we kinda just kept doing what we were doing. I try not to move things around or leave stuff in Hanna's path without letting her know something knew is there. Even if I forget, she usually can tell something is there...we joke that she has some kind of radar, which we've dubbed "Hanar"...seriously, if I asked you to pick out blind dog in our pack, you'd have a hard time telling. She goes on walkies with the other dogs...runs through the yard...wanders through the wooded area at the back of the yard. They really rely on their ears and nose so much more than their eyes.


:grouphug I hope your boy adjusts as well as Hanna has :hope


There is a genetic component to PRA...kinda scary that Hanna's dad was Molotov, your boy's dad was Oswald Cobblepot and I know of one other PRA dog who's dad was Greys Statesman...all very prominent sires :(

Edited by KennelMom
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No advice, just lots of hugs and hopes for a wonderful future for your boy.


Joseph went to obedience class with a pointer who was blind and who still did the lower jumps (after walking up to them first and giving them a sniff/touch).

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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There is a genetic component to PRA...kinda scary that Hanna's dad was Molotov, your boy's dad was Oswald Cobblepot and I know of one other PRA dog who's dad was Greys Statesman...all very prominent sires :(


Yikes. That's a lot of GH's that could potentially be affected.


Thanks for all of the kind words. The vet really just comfirmed what we already knew. The no treatment/cure thing is the hardest part. At least we know what we're dealing with and can accommodate the dogs.

Robin - Cordova (Memphis), TN

Argus (BB's Turbo) #86152 Oswald Cobblepot X Hilary Pride

Butler (GoodOleBoyRoy) #92232 Castor Troy X Princess Josie

Bridge Angel Callie (Tom S Macaroon) #87886 Black Streaker X Tom S Megan, April 15, 2000 - November 3, 2012

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Guest hannahmom

My Hannah was diagnosed with SRA ( the sudden version of what Argus has) in November

She went from 100 % to less than 10 % vioion in a matter of minutes


Frankly, she is adapting wonderfully.

I took suggestions I received from people here and belled my other fur kids and used essential oils to mark the exits to rooms, stairs etc.

If you met her today, you would never know she was visually impaired. SHe hesitates a bit at stairs is all.


We tend to take it harder than they do. She's a little subdued, but I think that may be due to losing her big brother just a few weeks later


please PM me and I'll do my best to pass on some of the wonderful advice others here gave me ( :wave Judy)



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Guest MnMDogs

Mork was diagnosed in Nov 06 - he was 7. I had brought him in for a corneal scratch, and kind of knew that he didn't have great vision. But when she told me he had PRA, I was shocked and really upset for him.


He's just fine however! He still has some vision and can spot a cat 100 yards away in broad daylight. His peripheral vision is almost non-existent and he can't see very much in the dark. At least that's what it seems like on observation. They adapt so well, and the slow onset of total blindness helps them. I was told he would be blind within a year based on his initial exam. But he's still holding on to some sight, and pretty much not effected at all.

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Onyx was diagnosed with PRA over 2 years ago and he also has cataracts but he still hasn't gone completely blind yet. Granted, he can't see much more than just a little bit of light but the progression has been slow enough to help him adjust.


It takes a little extra work to help him get around. Mostly talking to him and teaching commands like "step up", "step down", etc. The one I use most is "careful" and he stops dead in his tracks.


Try to keep drawers and cupboard doors closed and don't rearrange the furniture too much. Also, remember not to leave anything out in the middle of the room that Argus could trip over. One time I had an ex-pen set up in the living room for a new dog and Onyx ran right into it!



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I haven't had a greyhound with PRA, but had two cocker spaniels with it...


Get some of the Ocuvite vitamins! You can get them at Wally World or other places. There are probably other brands. They really do seem to help slow the progression of PRA.


One of my cocker babes finished her CDX obedience title, which involves jumping and retrieving, when she was almost completely blind from PRA. It is AMAZING how well the dogs adapt!


I hate to hear about all these greyhounds with PRA... while it is common in many breeds, it has rarely been seen in greyhounds until recently. PRA is a true recessive... both sire and dam must be carriers for it to be passed on.




GPA-Tallahassee/Southeastern Greyhound Adoption

"Fate is unalterable only in the sense that given a cause, a certain result must follow, but no cause is inevitable in itself, and man can shape his world if he does not resign himself to ignorance." Pearl S. Buck

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