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Buddy's Neurology Appointment

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Guest VanillaBean

I do know that when my dog started to become suspicious of all his treats, I had to rethink what I was doing. I realized that I was acting like "oh no, have to pill him again". When I changed my attitude about it and would say every pilling, "do you want a treat? Let's get treats" in a song song voice, he has stopped worrying about what is in his treats and he will take them now without an inspection!

I am so glad that he is eating and you got the pills down!!

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I do know that when my dog started to become suspicious of all his treats, I had to rethink what I was doing. I realized that I was acting like "oh no, have to pill him again". When I changed my attitude about it and would say every pilling, "do you want a treat? Let's get treats" in a song song voice, he has stopped worrying about what is in his treats and he will take them now without an inspection!


That's what I do. I have far more success getting pills into dogs than DH has, because he approaches with an 'oh dear, this is going to be difficult' attitude and I just say 'do you wanna biscuit??'


So glad to hear you found a method of getting Buddy's meds into him. I think sometimes if you're firm with them, they just give in. Maybe all Buddy needed was to feel you and DH were in control.


Now he just has to get some weight back on. :goodluck


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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That's what I do. I have far more success getting pills into dogs than DH has, because he approaches with an 'oh dear, this is going to be difficult' attitude and I just say 'do you wanna biscuit??'


None of mine are on any meds, but after reading about the horror stories about pills, I am making "Do you want some pills?" an occasion to celebrate around here! They all come running!


How is Buddy doing this morning?



Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Buddy is feeling MUCH better; thanks for asking! Yesterday was a huge improvement for him, probably because we were more successful in getting the pills into him.


Now we have the cream cheese pill balls all ready, along with a couple of pieces of chicken...we pill him, then immediately give chicken and loads of praise...repeat the process then, as we have six pills to give in the a.m. and four in the p.m., and I only put 2 or 3 in each cream cheese ball.


If we could only get Rascal and Ruby to understand why BUDDY is the only one getting the goodies! :lol I fear he may never eat plain dog food again, but I don't even care! Oh, and some more great news: the poo is becoming more normal! :clap


Can you tell how happy I am to have my boy feeling better?? :lol

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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Guest 4baddogs

YAY! I'm glad Buddy's feeling and doing much better! I hope his progress continues.



Oh, and 37 POUNDS???? Wow, you must've been scared out of your mind!!
Zoe has always been small, but at 37 pounds she looked like she just stepped out of a prison camp. You could see, literally, every bone on her bodyl. Thankfully, satin balls fattened her up in no time!


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I don't know if it'll work for you, but I use the packaged Kraft American cheese. I take a slice out to warm up a little. It get nice and soft. I give Navigator a very small piece to start, and the next one has the pills in it. I always have another piece waiting in my hand so that he's more focused on the next piece, as opposed to the piece he's eating. Good luck!


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