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Deep Cough

Guest icoclois

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Guest icoclois

We adopted Cinder in March of 2008. He had a deep cough. We took Cinder to our vet who treated him for Bronchitis. This didn't clear up his cough. Our vet then suggested we take him to a Specialist. The Specialist did a tracheal wash. This test showed nothing. It was then suggested that Cinder have a dental. This was his second dental since we adopted him. They pulled thirteen teeth. The specialist thought that the drainage from the bad teeth was causing the cough. This was done in October. The cough cleared up. I have been brushing Cinder's teeth daily. Well last night the cough returned with a vengeance. Has anyone encountered a problem like this. I would really appreciate your input. Thank you.


Thank you. I forgot to mention that Cinder did have a chest X-ray and it came back good and that is when they suggested the tracheal Wash.

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Guest PiagetsMom

We've been treating Piaget for a respiratory infection for 2 weeks now, and the only symptom was a cough. Her vet examined her and while her breathing pattern was normal and she sounded okay, a chest x-ray was the first thing her vet recommended, and it did show an inflamation of the lining of her lungs.

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Guest Winterwish

I would get a referral for a cardiolgist as soon as possible. They may do an echocardiagram,which could be very important in seeing what may be going on. If it's within normal that's very good,but if not,it could be something that can be treated with medication.

How old is Cinder?

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Guest icoclois
I would get a referral for a cardiolgist as soon as possible. They may do an echocardiagram,which could be very important in seeing what may be going on. If it's within normal that's very good,but if not,it could be something that can be treated with medication.

How old is Cinder?




Cinder Was 6 last October..

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Prayers for Cinder. I would get a referral to a cardiologist, too.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest Winterwish

Oh 6 years old,a baby! :dogcookie

I see coughing as a serious symptom in animals. Not saying there's something very wrong happening,but I'd take him in to be seen by his vet today,that way he can give a listen to his heart and lungs.

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We are going through the same type thing with our 7 year old male greyt. He has had a 'clearing the throat' type cough since the 1st week of November (about 12 or 13 weeks)--usually in the morning when he gets up. At Thanksgiving time the vet dianosed a ' a slight strain of kennel cough. We decided to let it run its course. At Christmas, I got antibiotics for him to take for 10 days. It has not gotten worse but hasn't gotten better. On January 13th, we had a chest x-ray taken. It showed something in the lung or by the lung. We had an ultra sound and a biopsy done. Both were fine.


Now we are having a 'fungus' test done. It is rare in our area. We are waitning for the results to come back. We may take another x-ray if we can't find the cause. Or I might be calling Dr. C at OSU.


Other than the cough, how does your greyt seem, health wise? My greyt hasn't lost a lb in 6 months, eats and poops normally, walks and runs witrh no problems. I am sorry if it seems like I am rambling on but I know what you are going through. What is your next step?

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Guest icoclois
We are going through the same type thing with our 7 year old male greyt. He has had a 'clearing the throat' type cough since the 1st week of November (about 12 or 13 weeks)--usually in the morning when he gets up. At Thanksgiving time the vet dianosed a ' a slight strain of kennel cough. We decided to let it run its course. At Christmas, I got antibiotics for him to take for 10 days. It has not gotten worse but hasn't gotten better. On January 13th, we had a chest x-ray taken. It showed something in the lung or by the lung. We had an ultra sound and a biopsy done. Both were fine.


Now we are having a 'fungus' test done. It is rare in our area. We are waitning for the results to come back. We may take another x-ray if we can't find the cause. Or I might be calling Dr. C at OSU.


Other than the cough, how does your greyt seem, health wise? My greyt hasn't lost a lb in 6 months, eats and poops normally, walks and runs witrh no problems. I am sorry if it seems like I am rambling on but I know what you are going through. What is your next step?



I'm so thankful that your boy's biopsy and ultra sound came back fine.

Cinder had a foot issue when we adopted him. He had a puncture wound that wouldn't heal. That cleared up but their was a spot on one pad that was hard. So Cinder would not put any weight on that leg. The vet tried several things and finally scraped it off. She thinks it was like a planters wart. Cinder now is able to run and play with the other dogs. Cinder like your greyt is holding his weight. He eats like a champ and has no problems pooping. I appreciate your understanding. Like you we are very concerned. We gave him some children's allery medication this morning. It relieved the cough for a few hours but it has returned. The cough seems worse after he drinks and is a little active. Our next step is taking him to the vet. Thank you for your feedback and good luck with your baby...

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Icoclois, the thing on your dog's pad is most likely a corn: Corns In the future, your vet can use the hulling technique described in the link to remove it.

Edited by turbotaina

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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Guest jerrybird

I'm sorry that Cinder is not 100%; it's good that he is eating normally for you. I also think a cardio consult might be in order. The vet you are currently using-does she have other greyhoung clients? We send you positive thoughts and please keep us posted.

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Guest icoclois
Icoclois, the thing on your dog's pad is most likely a corn: Corns In the future, your vet can use the hulling technique described in the link to remove it.



Thank you so much for recommending this site. That is exactly what the spot on Cinder's foot looked like. We will keep a look out for any reoccurance. Many thanks...

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Guest icoclois
I'm sorry that Cinder is not 100%; it's good that he is eating normally for you. I also think a cardio consult might be in order. The vet you are currently using-does she have other greyhoung clients? We send you positive thoughts and please keep us posted.



We live in the country. Our vet is knowledgeable about site hounds. She had a Borzoi as a pet. If she has any doubts she does forward us to a specialist.

We have scheduled an appointment at the vet for Cinder. Cinder is still coughing. I will keep you posted. Thank you for your positive thoughts.

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