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Willie Chemo #1

Guest greydogluvr

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Guest greydogluvr

Thanks for checking in on my big boy. He is continuing to adjust very well to his 3 legs. He is now running more and always looks like he has a grin on his face. Everyday I am so thankful that the pain of the osteo is gone. Even though the decision to amputate was difficult now that I see him running, jumping and smiling, I know I made the best decision for him.


He has chemo #2 on Friday. It will be the adriamycin again. I am wondering if all 5 will be the same? He did pretty well last time and I can only hope he handles the 2nd round as well. Is there anyone out there who has had 5 rounds of adriamycin? If so did you notice an increase in symptoms/side effect or are they better able to tolerate it with subsequent administrations?

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Guest greytmonty
Thanks for checking in on my big boy. He is continuing to adjust very well to his 3 legs. He is now running more and always looks like he has a grin on his face. Everyday I am so thankful that the pain of the osteo is gone. Even though the decision to amputate was difficult now that I see him running, jumping and smiling, I know I made the best decision for him.


He has chemo #2 on Friday. It will be the adriamycin again. I am wondering if all 5 will be the same? He did pretty well last time and I can only hope he handles the 2nd round as well. Is there anyone out there who has had 5 rounds of adriamycin? If so did you notice an increase in symptoms/side effect or are they better able to tolerate it with subsequent administrations?

I am so glad Willie is doing so well! Others who have gone through osteo should help with the adriamycin question. Monty's protocol for lymphoma is different, so adriamycin is once every 4 treatments; we have only had one adriamycin so far. It is a scary drug but in the right hands is considered very safe.

Best wishes and hugs to you and Willie.

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Guest RSD_Ranger
Thanks for checking in on my big boy. He is continuing to adjust very well to his 3 legs. He is now running more and always looks like he has a grin on his face. Everyday I am so thankful that the pain of the osteo is gone. Even though the decision to amputate was difficult now that I see him running, jumping and smiling, I know I made the best decision for him.


He has chemo #2 on Friday. It will be the adriamycin again. I am wondering if all 5 will be the same? He did pretty well last time and I can only hope he handles the 2nd round as well. Is there anyone out there who has had 5 rounds of adriamycin? If so did you notice an increase in symptoms/side effect or are they better able to tolerate it with subsequent administrations?

:grouphug for both of you!!!


We just had chemo #3 and have had no side effects all three times. We are on the 5 chemos / every other week / all adriamycin from OSU. Are they doing chest x-rays and ECGs throughout the process? We had a chest x-ray at chemo #3 and an ECG at chemo #1, 3, and 5. I guess the adriamycin can do heart damage, so they monitor that pretty well to make sure it's all working properly.


I hope Willie continues to do well and has no side effects :)

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Guest greydogluvr
Thanks for checking in on my big boy. He is continuing to adjust very well to his 3 legs. He is now running more and always looks like he has a grin on his face. Everyday I am so thankful that the pain of the osteo is gone. Even though the decision to amputate was difficult now that I see him running, jumping and smiling, I know I made the best decision for him.


He has chemo #2 on Friday. It will be the adriamycin again. I am wondering if all 5 will be the same? He did pretty well last time and I can only hope he handles the 2nd round as well. Is there anyone out there who has had 5 rounds of adriamycin? If so did you notice an increase in symptoms/side effect or are they better able to tolerate it with subsequent administrations?

:grouphug for both of you!!!


We just had chemo #3 and have had no side effects all three times. We are on the 5 chemos / every other week / all adriamycin from OSU. Are they doing chest x-rays and ECGs throughout the process? We had a chest x-ray at chemo #3 and an ECG at chemo #1, 3, and 5. I guess the adriamycin can do heart damage, so they monitor that pretty well to make sure it's all working properly.


I hope Willie continues to do well and has no side effects :)


Thanks, We are following OSU protocol as well. He did have an ECG before chemo #1. I do not know if he will have one each time or every other time like Ranger. We have not had a chest x-ray since starting chemo but I would guess we will have one before the end of the 5 rounds. He is also having his treatments every other week.


I wonder if the chemo protocol is the same for all osteo hounds participating in the study of if they have several they suggest.

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Guest RSD_Ranger
Thanks, We are following OSU protocol as well. He did have an ECG before chemo #1. I do not know if he will have one each time or every other time like Ranger. We have not had a chest x-ray since starting chemo but I would guess we will have one before the end of the 5 rounds. He is also having his treatments every other week.


I wonder if the chemo protocol is the same for all osteo hounds participating in the study of if they have several they suggest.

That's a good question. I don't know the answer. I know that when we were originally scheduling our chemo visits, our local vet was recommending 6 treatments of chemo. After talking to OSU, they went down to 5 since that's what OSU recommended. :dunno

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Oh, that photo of Willie is just too manly! Love the ears! And that scar looks unbelievable! He's a handsome devil, that Willie! I hope Friday's chemo will be like the first one - no big deal! Pretty soon he will be waking you up in the middle of the night with a carry-out order!

Hugs, kisses and extra scritchies for Willie!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest greydogluvr

Willie had his second chemo on Friday. He knows where he is going as soon as I open the back of the car and becomes like a statue. So far I have been able to lift him in on my own but he is getting wise and keeping his legs straight so I have to lift him even higher. Chemo day is my workout for the week.


He had another EKG which was completely normal and all of his bloodwork was within normal limits as well. He gained 3 pounds. He was a bit restless the first night but has been fine ever since. He amazes me. He hops on his back legs when I come home and has learned to run as fast as before. He has become quite demanding and whines when he wants to play. He is such a different fellow since this process began. He greets me at the door, he whines to play, he begs for treats and wakes me during the night for scratches.



We are in the process of changing of changing to a grain free food to increase fat content and lessen carbs. I cooked for a while but he was not too fond of the high fat, low carb recipes I tried. He seems to like the canned grain free better than the kibble. We are trying a few samples before I commit to a particular type. I will let you know how it goes.

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Guest greydogluvr
Seems like in all of this he has really come out of his shell. That is so great


It is so amazing. He is like a different boy. He appears to be so much happier and to have more energy. I always wonder how long he was in pain before he showed any symptoms. I am going to try to get a video of his new body shake (it has taken the place of his spinning) it is soooooo cute.

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Guest greydogluvr
Wonderful news! I'm so happy he is doing well!!!


One question: is there a reason you are going with the low carb diet?



I was told by my oncologist and my holistic vet that cancer "feeds" on carbs. They both suggested reducing carbs and increasing protein. Additionally, both suggested Salmon Oil and Artimisinin (to be started after chemo is complete). I know I have heard from others on this board that there is no evidence to support the low carb diet, when I am told by 2 people that I trust whole heartedly, I am going for it.

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Guest greytmonty
Wonderful news! I'm so happy he is doing well!!!


One question: is there a reason you are going with the low carb diet?



I was told by my oncologist and my holistic vet that cancer "feeds" on carbs. They both suggested reducing carbs and increasing protein. Additionally, both suggested Salmon Oil and Artimisinin (to be started after chemo is complete). I know I have heard from others on this board that there is no evidence to support the low carb diet, when I am told by 2 people that I trust whole heartedly, I am going for it.

Our oncologist also says there is no evidence for a low carb diet. however I am so happy to hear that Willie is doing so well!!!!!!

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