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Perivulvar Dermatitis ( Don't Worry, No Picture)

Guest Maire

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My Kharma has had this for several yrs--There was an article about it in the Summer '08 Cg magazine. She has been on antibiotics, creams- nothing works and she has a very sore Bo-Bo! There is corrective surgery for this and, since she needs a dental anyway, I think I'll have this done soon.

She has a deeper fold" down there" than than usual & my Vet has done it several times w/ success. It is always moist & irritated, even old blood.

She's an absolute nightmare to catch & gently clean-I know she can read my mind & runs away when I gaily approch her with the baby wipe held behind my back--I've put her in the shower to hose her off and that's a battle, too- clinches those little cheeks tightly--it must be VERY itchy, painful! A couple of owners replied that it really helped ! ACK! :eek

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Guest Greytnorth

I'm new to this site and this is my first post. I have two beautiful greys and one of our girls had the same problem. We also tried the creams and antibiotics but finally decided that these were only short term fixers. Ruby, my greyhound, had surgery to fix the problem 2 1/2 years ago and I am so happy with the results. Just after the surgery, things were tough for a few days. Ruby was very sore and would cry when doing her "business" but the pain was worth it. We have not had any more problems with the area since it has healed. I would recommend that you get the surgery as this is a permanent fix for the problem as oppose to temporary fixes with creams. Good Luck!!!

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Guest RooCroo

One of our fosters had this, and the poor baby was miserable until she had the surgery. We did find that spray Benadryl seemed to help the itching and make her more comfy.


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Thanks everybody ! I'm gonna schedule it for sure. She has epilepsy, too, so I'm worried about anesth- but my Vets are wonderful.

What do you suggest to keep her from licking? I hate E collars..but found an article about the BiteNot collar that looks good. She's a tiny girl- 54# , but this comes in sizes, looks like......Here's Kharma Jean ( if the pic works)













Hooray , it worked!

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she's a pretty girl! I hope the surgery works for her :).


As far as keeping her from licking/biting the area after surgery - can you get a pair of 'bad girl' panties? Or even doggy diapers? That would at least keep her from directly messing with it. I would suggest some article of people clothing - but I have yet to find anything that fits their butts well :lol!

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