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Heart Murmur

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Lexie just had her yearly check up. The vet said he heard a heart murnur. He said he either missed it last time or she developed one. I thought they are born with it. Could stress or meds cause a heart murmur? He did a chest x ray on her and is sending it to the radiologist. I will know results friday. Anyone else experience this?


she is 3 years old only med she on now is that tyleson powder which seems to have helped her "mushy" problem.

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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Greyhounds are often diagnosed with a murmer. Usually they are benign, just a greyhound thing. OSU GHWP Click on the link and then click on # 2 Make sure your vet is aware of this.

Casual Bling & Hope for Hounds
Janet & the hounds Maggie and Allen Missing my baby girl Peanut, old soul Jake, quirky Jet, Mama Grandy and my old Diva Miz Foxy; my angel, my inspiration. You all brought so much into my light, and taught me so much about the power of love, you are with me always.
If you get the chance to sit it out or dance.......... I hope you dance! Missing our littlest girl.

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Simon has had a heart murmur since I first adopted him at age 2. He's 13 now and has no problems. :)



edited to correct spelling of "murmur" :lol

Edited by ElizabethGPAPS

Rugrat's Rebel (Simon) 09/03/1995-03/22/2010, Silly Savannah 05/14/1995-02/13/2009, Isabella de Moreau the Sloughi 05/15/1993-10/14/2008, Hammy the IG 06/11/04 and ChiChi the Chihuahua 2003

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Dr. Doug has had a murmur since before we got him at age 2. Our first vet was not concerned because he's a greyhound. Our second vet sent him to the vet college cardiologists, where he was diagnosed with a minor aortic stenosis, no treatment or restrictions necessary.


Recently, our Wizard, age 8, was found to have a murmur for the first time. An ultrasound showed some heart enlargement with a valve problem that he *is* on meds for (because his kidneys were apparently being strained by the heart-circulatory problem, he takes enalapril).


There are so many different scenarios possible with a murmur that generally now I'd want to investigate a little.

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Atlas was dx with a heart murmur back in 2006. He is 100% asymptomatic, so I have not pursued an EKG or anything. The vets feel it's a very very low grade one anyway.


That being said, Greys are often misdiagnosed with a murmur as the vet is actually hearing the "echos" of the beats in the large, deep chest. I've heard this referred to as an "athletic heart".

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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