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Help! He Took A Bite Of The Tree - And Lights

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Kipper just took a big bite of the fake tree (he is all puppy at 2).


Then he promptly puked a small amount of yellow liquid with fake-tree "needles", which are some sort of soft plastic.


Now I find a broken bulb on the ground by the tree, and can find only part of the bulb total -- a small portion seems uncounted for.


What do I watch for? Should I just haul him in now?


I'm afraid to make him vomit, in case he did swallow the bit of glass (it's tiny, but I don't know if that's good or bad).

Dash (Mega Batboy), & forever missing Kipper (RD's Kiper, 2006-2015) & Souldog Dune (Pazzo Otis, 1994-2008)
"..cherish him and give him place with yourself for the rest of his but too short life. It is his one drawback. He should live as long as his owner."
James Matheson, The Greyhound: Breeding, Coursing, Racing, etc., 1929

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I don't think I would make him vomit if there is a chance he ate some glass. Just give him a couple of pieces of bread and keep an eye on him. He should be ok so don't stress. It is amazing what those boogers can eat... :P

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Guest BoogieDown

My dog ate several glass ornaments and bulbs from our tree one year. My vet told me to watch for signs of blood at both ends - in vomit, or when the glass finally works its' way out the other end; or signs of abdominal discomfort. My pup ended up being fine, although she had very festive poops for a few days. I hope your pup is fine, too!

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Guest GentleHugs

Get him to scarf down a few slices of bread and if you don't have bread - try a few cottonballs soaked in milk. The bread can bind with the broken pieces and the bread can serve as a cushion when it moves through. Cottonballs act the same way bread does. Whatever you do, don't induce vomiting. Pieces of glass can get stuck in the esophagus and/or cut it. Check his poop for the next few days just to make sure everything moved through ok.


Secondly - get an expen and set it up around the Christmas tree to keep him from taste testing the tree again or you can get creative and hang your tree from the ceiling! :P I know a few friends who hang their tree upside down from the ceiling to keep their dogs from attacking it and using it for indoor plumbing. :blink:


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i'm sure he'll be fine, i'll echo the sentiment that they can eat amazing things with no ill effects. Just last night my girl puked up a piece of sara wrap that i was waiting for, but a bottle cap joined it!! I didn't even know she ate it!

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Guest greyvettech

Def don't make him vomit if he ate glass-We had a rottweiler puppy that came into the clinic this week that had eaten a glass coaster that fell on the floor and broke-We took radiographs and saw the glass- The Dr. suggested metamucil and mineral oil to add to her diet/ watch for vomiting- If so, she was going to bring her back.She had more radiographs two days later and it seemed to be making its way through her she is coming back in tomorrow again It's kind of a wait and see issue-If he shows no signs of vomiting or diarrhea you may not need to do anything or you may just want to go to your vet and get his suggestion. If it was only a small amount, I think he will be fine:) Can someone tell me about the whole bread thing? I have worked in Veterinary Medicine for 7 years, and I have never heard such a thing :blush

Edited by greyvettech
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