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Signs Of Cancer

Guest krisandzoo

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Guest krisandzoo

I'm sure I am being paranoid. Really. That being said, Bravo gets random pains around his chest or front legs. I'm not exactly sure. By the time I get to him he'll look at me with big sad eyes and allow me to gentley poke and move to tryto figure out what was bothering him. He never gives me a sign of when I am close to the problem.


Just last night he was laying on the couch (superman style- legs almost straight out in front and not tucked under), and he wimpered for a few seconds. I looked up at him. He tried to get up and let out the scream of death. I run over to see if a toe was caught or something. He just half sat/half laid there. I called him off of the couch and he tried then laid back down. He finally got down so I could inspect him. At this point my fiance had ran in to see what was going on. He suspected his leg fell asleep. While Bravo is sensitive I really do not think that is what is going on.

He has had x-rays of his heart done twice since he has been home, and 3 different vets poking his chest trying to find something. The best I've mangaged to get is there is something "minor" wrong but to keep monitoring him. (He sometimes does a funny cough and we've "ruled out" congestive heart failure and chronic bronchitis).


I'm going back again to, yes, I am probable being paranoid. I would just like a way to rule it out at this point in time. I know it is common. I also know if caught early there are different options to remove it etc. Plus I worry he could be in some kind of pain, and I am not doing anything for him.


What "symptons" are known????


(Thanks for reading my nervous rambles. It's nice knowing even if I drive my vet(s) nuts that there are people willing to listen...)

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Just from what you describe....he has trouble getting up when he has been lying down, gets halfway up and is then in extreme pain...sounds to me like he has a problem with his neck. My bridgekid Scully had a problem with his neck, he would start to lift his head (the first movement a dog makes when getting up) and would then do the GSOD...we never did pinpoint the exact cause but luckily the problem went away on its own. Perhaps your vet could check it out?

<p>"One day I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am"Sadi's Pet Pages Sadi's Greyhound Data PageMulder1/9/95-21/3/04 Scully1/9/95-16/2/05Sadi 7/4/99 - 23/6/13 CroftviewRGT

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Gabby does that...and she'll walk with her head down...then once she's up, and limbered up some, she's okay.

Signs of cancer, like with Dear (hermangio sarcoma) he quit eating. Lost weight.

I think bone cancer, would be limping.

I'm sure others will sign on & give you some examples.

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Limping is a sign of osteo BUT Polli had a horrible horrible limp a year BEFORE to the day she was diagnosed with osteo and at THAT time, her x-rays were clear.


Her limp cleared up 100% and would appear slightly from time to time, but more often she did NOT have it.


Go figure.


Also, a break/fracture of a bone when ordinarily, it shouldn't have happened could be a "sign" of cancer.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest BlueCrab

I'd agree with Scullysmum that it sounds a bit more like a neck or back issue, perhaps skeletel or muscular.


Our bridge kid Otto had a degenerative spinal cord issue that eventually caused loss of use in the back legs but originally manifested itself in periodic loss of use of the front legs, pain, occasional pain-whining for no known reason, etc. He was a German Shepherd so we're not talking Grey here, but some of the symptoms sound the same.


And our current non-grey Leyland has had some neck issues that have caused stiffness and whining (once after accidentally head-butting Trix when jumping out of the van). So far we've found no definitive cause but it's definintley neck or shoulder related, probably muscular, and thus far the vet has stuck with aspirin when needed as he exhibits periodic symptoms.


Good luck.

Edited by BlueCrab
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Here is a very long post that I posted back when Carrier was still with us. We lost him to osteo on March 30, 2008.

The title of the post is Signs we noticed with Carrier before he was diagnosed with osteo. I hope it helps you somewhat.... in short, if there is something you think is not normal, keep pushing for an answer, get a second, third, fourth opinion - granted that it's not putting Bravo over the edge going to all of these appointments. Sending Bravo good thoughts.


Signs we noticed with Carrier

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Guest krisandzoo

Thank you so much for all of the thoughts!!! I keep hoping to one day catch these things on video to actually show my vet. The last one I went to for another opinon actually impressed me to the point I've started seeing him as my normal vet.... I think it is just so hard for him when all I can do is descirbe it, but Brav does nothing at the vet's office.

It is so helpful, too, to know some "signs" to look for. Based on what I've learned in the last 13months cancer is way too common. I sure hope if any of my hounds ever have it that I am fortunate enouch to catch it early.....

For those of you that have had dogs with muscular "issues", what have you done for it? just asprin for pain? is normal dog asprin ok for greys?

Thanks again!

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Guest krisandzoo

Also, I should add that when he first came home he would sometimes be tender on walks when I was helping him get back into shape. He was "soft" when we adopted him....not super overweight but certainly not in greyt shape. I started him on 1 20 min walk per day and was trying to build him up to 1 hour walks. The first time he wimpered on a walk and stopped I went straight home and rested him the next day. I took it slow, but he did it again so we went to the vet. This started a lot of my vet opinions etc. He has since dropped 3 lbs and really toned up. He has not been "gimpy" on a walk since he got into better shape and his coughing has lessened a great deal....

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Have you considered having your vet contact Dr. Cuoto at OSU and send the x-rays for his review? Couldn't hurt. It sounds like you have been putting in some serious time and effort toward Bravo's rehab! Since you have such a detailed description of the time line and events, may I suggest starting a journal/diary/log of people, places and things? Oh, and conversations as pointed out in the "Signs" thread. Have any of the vets suggested a consult with an orthopedic specialist? Good luck and please keep us updated on your quest for answers! Hug Bravo for me and the girls!

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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