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Tbd Testing

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Spencer has started seeing a sport-rehab vet for chiropractic and acupuncture. She suggested that his low platelets and other symptoms could indicate a TBD, and our regular vet agreed that he should be tested. My vet says she'll draw the blood, but I'm to package and ship the sample to Protatek. I know I'm to use "bubble wrap, ice pack in a baggie" and pack to ensure no leakage or breakage.


But I don't explicitly know how to do this. :huh2


I asked an assistant at the vet's to find out for me, but she never called back. I even called Protatek today to ask them, but the woman just told me to use common sense, basically. She even said she didn't know what I meant by "ice pack." Funny, I was calling to find out what the lab means by "ice pack"!!! :huh


So should I use ice cubes in a baggie? Or should I use what Ace makes and calls a cold pack from the freezer? And what should go up against the sample tube first, the bubble wrap or the cold pack? Importantly, the instructions do say not to freeze the sample.


I'm sure this isn't rocket science, once you know how to do it. I just don't want to screw it up! Does anyone have experience with having to pack and ship their own blood sample to a lab? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Many thanks, Mary and Spencer

Edited by greyhead
Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest BleusysMom

The 3 samples I've sent to Protatek did NOT require the sample to be on ice....BUT....they DID require the Red Top or Tiger Top Tube to be "Spun"....put in a centrifuge and spun around so that the Wax Layer in the tube separated the red blood cells from the serum, they did not mind if the serum was poured off into the tube they got, or just left in the centrifuged tube.


The vet's office should be able to centrifuge the tube they draw.....


Good Luck.....

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I have never iced samples sent to Protatek, but they did need to be shipped overnight and they did need to be spun. I send in a strong, small box rather than a mailing envelope. When I was unsure if the mailing box was rigid enough, I enclosed the vial in a smaller box first and then put it in the box to be shipped. I cushion the vial with bubble wrap, if I have some, or newspaper or paper towels if I do not have bubble wrap.


You can call Protatek if you have any questions about shipping. They are real nice about answering questions and explaining things.


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You can call Protatek if you have any questions about shipping. They are real nice about answering questions and explaining things.


Yup, Protatek is who I meant when i said I called the lab. I got the gal that said to use common sense, or to just analyze the problem, or however she put it. Must've gotten the one unhelpful person there. :unsure


Anyhow, thanks to both posters who've offered DETAILS, like ice isn't needed. I wrote it wrong in my original post, cuz the actual phrase I saw from my vet's note was "cold pack" -- maybe the kind of thing you get for camping. And thanks for mentioning the centrifuging; I'll make sure whatever staff takes the sample knows that.


Sorry I'm such a dithering wacko about this. I'm really upset -- and can hardly think straight -- cuz Spencer grabbed an adolescent squirrel in the yard today and shook it pretty hard. :eek I persuaded him, loudly, to let it go, but the squirrel lost part of his tail, the last inch, and maybe died later from the shock. I actually even know which squirrel it was, so I'll be watching for him. I know Spencer was just doing what comes naturally, but ... I spent the day majorly bummed. Probably should be thankful that it has only happened once in the three years we've had greyhounds!


Thanks so much,


Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Have the vet spin it down, pop it in some bubble wrap and overnight it. DO NOT tell the post office it is blood.


Take a deep breath. I'd venture a guess that lots of squirrels have been shaken, lost an inch off their tail and had other close calls and lived to tell the tale. ;)

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