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Wow, Seems Almost To Good To Be True

Guest EmilyAnne

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Guest EmilyAnne

Many of you know of my very good friend Paul, and his grey Lucky who also has epilepsy like my Henry. Anyways, Paul has been taking Lucky to a holistic vet. And the vet reccomended for Lucky's excessive hunger associated with Phenobarbital, Fennel Root capsules. So Paul tried it, and he was amazed how well it worked. He used to have to feed Lucky at 3 am, and now no longer has to.


So today, I gave Henry his first Fennel Root Capsule. (I called my vet first to be safe) Meal time is in 6 minutes, and Henry is.... (hang on, taking a pic. right now....)




Unbelievable! :huh And this is withOUT the usual music we play every evening to calm him!


8:01 now, time to feed the dogs! :colgate

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I have three greyhounds on Pheno. Can I purchase Fennel Root Capsule at Wal-Mart or Walgreens.


Thanks so much for the information and my three kids thank you also.


Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the Day comes,

God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man.

(Persian Proverb)

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What a greyt find! hope it continues to work for Henry and Lucky.


How is Paul and Lucky? I haven't seen or hear much of him and I don't go on the GAA board all that often.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest EmilyAnne

Tallgreydogmom~ I picked it up at a Health Food Store, though it wouldn't surprise me if Wal-Mart or Walgreens has some too.


There is only one ingredient~ Fennel (seed)


The capsule part itself has gelatin, Henry is allergic to chicken so I wasn't sure if that gelatin is chicken free so I empty the contents of the capsule onto Henry's food.


I give one capsule with each meal. :)


What a greyt find! hope it continues to work for Henry and Lucky.


How is Paul and Lucky? I haven't seen or hear much of him and I don't go on the GAA board all that often.

Paul and Lucky are doing very well! Lucky continues to be seizure free! :)

Edited by EmilyAnne
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Guest EmilyAnne

Mine is 100 capsules for $8.79. For Henry this is a 50 day supply. You give this once or twice a day. I'm doing twice a day.




Hopefully I'll get to sleep in tomorrow now! :lol (If Henry doesn't get his usual hunger attack)



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Guest lynne893

that's really terrific!


can i ask those of you with hounds on pheno or other seizure meds, when did you know it was time to medicate? after how many seizures? how severe were they? do you know the cause of the seizures to begin with?


thank you,

lynne & picasso


ps--- he's SO beautiful! where'd you find that great bed?!

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Guest EmilyAnne
that's really terrific!


can i ask those of you with hounds on pheno or other seizure meds, when did you know it was time to medicate? after how many seizures? how severe were they? do you know the cause of the seizures to begin with?


thank you,

lynne & picasso


ps--- he's SO beautiful! where'd you find that great bed?!


I leaned towards really trying not to medicate for a long time, and trying other things first, but eventually I realized, I didn't have a choice. Heny was going to die if I didn't get him on the Phenobarbital. He went into a cluster of 5 Grand-Mals, then we rushed him to the vet, she gave him a hefty shot of Valium, and we started him on Phenobarbital. It took a few days for the Phenobarbital to kick in, and until the Phenobarbital kicked in enough, I had to keep him drugged ou on Valium, which I administered at home rectally. I have two thoughts~


1)I wish I hadn't been so stubborn and waited so long to start meds. His epilepsy grew worse and worse the longer I waited.




2)If I hadn't of waited so long, I would have been filled with, what if I did that different or this.... Now I know, without a doubt, Henry MUST be medicated.


I have found a few triggers for Henry's seizures.... (keep in mind, this is for *Henry* and may not apply to all epi-hounds)



~Flagyl is a BIGGIE. I suggest you research that thoroughly, research side effects for human epileptics, I really think it applies to canines too.

~raw fish


I got the bed from Pet-Smart. I deliberately bought a size smaller than reccomended cause Henry likes to curl up small. :blush


I have two blogs, that I kept throughout the whole experience of trying to find ways to help Henry, and realizing what works, and what does not, and what are triggers, end etc., etc. We tried just about every type of diet in the world. Homecooked has worked out best. You can see the recipe in the sidebar on your left, link is a bottom of my signature.


Potassium Bromide is another great medication. It couldn't kick in quick enough for as though as we were in an emergency, also, Henry's tummy is very sensitive. He is very prone to throwing up. We may add Potassium Bromide later if we do not get good enough control with Phenobarbital alone. I would discuss with the Veterinarian then, ways to protect Henry's tummy while on Potassium Bromide. There's a med that is similar, I forget exzactly what it's called, 'Naproxen Sodium Bromide' I think? It's supposed to be easier on the tummy that Potassium Bromde. I would also discuss the possibility of giving this instead with the Veterinarian.


Oh, and a note about the Potassium Bromide, I have heard some people squirt it directly down the dog's throat. I don't reccomend this. Mix it in with some moist food, and it will be easier on the tummy.



p.s. You really should start a new thread, your question is a question I know many here would be more than willing to share their experience with you on, and if you start a new thread, you will generate more answers.


p.s.s. I also reccomend joing the Epil-K9 list. You can read about it here.


Edited to fix a spelling mistake

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Guest greyt2love

Thanks, Emily ! My Caesar is on a huge dose of Pheno - 4 -60mg tabs, twice a day. 8 total. I have no comparison, but my vet says it is the largest dose of any of the dogs he treats for seizures. And 1- 750mg cap of potassium bromide daily. He is ravenous all the time.He never puts on weight, but he will eat every little tidbit he can find. And then paces around looking for more. I'm buying the fennel caps today to try.


Like Henry, Caesar had a major traumic event of cluster seizures. His vets stabilized him and gave him an IV, then he was transported to the eVet where he would have round the clock treatment. They did not know if they could keep him alive, and if they did, what his mental state would be. Well, he's still here with me 2 1/2 years after that. He has had one other perion of multiple seizures, where he did totally lose his memory. He didn't know his name, who I was, where he was, housebraking, nothing at all. I took vacation to stay home and work with him, and happily, it all came back. The only down side of this is he is very reserved and quiet. Before all this happened, he followed me around and played with toys and chased around the yard. Now he doesn't. He's my handsome, quiet man. He just turned six in September. I've had him since he was 2. He still has an occasional seizure, but they are mild and over quickly. I doubt that he will ever be seizure free but I am pleased that we have been able to get them to the level his is at now.


I follow your posts, have an ice bag in the freezer, and now, will try the fennel caps !!

Thanks for posting your info the way you do .



My sweet man -






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Guest EmilyAnne

Hi Sweetheart! :kiss2


That is a big dose. That's 480 mg a day, plus the Kbr. Henry we are trying at 300 mg a day. Don't know yet if it's enough as we just started a couple weeks ago. Henry is 80#.


One thing for sure, side effects of Pheno are nowhere near as unpleasant as the effects of a big cluster! I remind myself of this often. Henry was a mess when he first came out of his cluster. It was like having a newborn baby. He was so scared all the time. He went from never having once cried in his 11 months so far with us, to crying all the time. His vision was not working right, It was like his eyes were not working in cooperation with his brain. He wasn't blind, but yet wasn't aware of what was in front of him, or how far/close they were. (hard to explain!) I think he's just about fully recovered now, he hardly cries at all now, and his vision is definately all better! :)


He's seems to be retaining a little more spookiness since the big cluster, that may or may not stay forever. But that's OK, were here for him and we will help him through it! I think our hounds get a great security from our love and being there for them, and this helps them very much. When Henry was in rescue, he would have a Grand-Mal or two every time he switched foster homes. He was in rescue for two years. Unless I drop dead, he will never have to go through that again!


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