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Yesterday we took King out to the beach with us. While there he must have stepped on a sharp shell or rock because this morning we have discovered that his pad has a cut on it. It is in an awkward spot, on the side of the pad. He has been licking at it a lot; it isn't bleeding. It doesn't appear to be very deep.


We have to leave him for several hours today so he will probably take anything I cover it with off in relatively short order. Should I try to put some bag balm or neosporin on it and cover it with a sock even though we wont be here?


Does this require a vet visit tomorrow or will it just be ok if we keep it covered and with ointment on it as much as possible?


Thanks for any advice you can offer; we have never dealt with this before.


TNT Star Wars X Oshkosh Enigma King's Pedigree
King's sisters: Oshkosh Updraft, Dazie and forever in our hearts Oshkosh Ultra, Lily (3/7/03-2/18/13)



I wouldn't think it would require a vet visit, unles it is especially deep. But I have not seen it, so I can't tell you.


I would definitely put some Bag Balm or triple antibiotic on it, and cover it with a sock. Yes, he may remove the whole works, but he may not. To make it less likely, you can place duct tape on the bottom of a kennel muzzle, and put that on him, too...

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.


We had this problem with one of Kelsey's pads, I put balm on it then a baby sock and used the paper tape to tape the top of the sock to her leg....worked greyt.

Guest Jennifer4719

Get some EMT gel and some vet wrap. You can find it at Tractor Supply.

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