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It's Been A Cure For Dylan's Chronic Diarrhea

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I was telling the owner of our health food store about Dylan's chronic diarrhea problems. He recommended we try Pet Digest made by Enzymedica. We started him on it over 4 months ago and he has not had 1 bout of gas or diarrhea. It's amazing. It's enzymes but they are "encapsulated" for better absorption. I don't have a scanner or I would print the ingredients. It's not that costly either. 100 servings for $26.98. I also talked to the Vet about it and showed him the bottle and he said if it's working don't change a thing. This poor dog has been on Tylan, Flagyl and many antibiotics to try to cure the problem. This powder has really been a life saver! Hope this info can help other dogs with the same problem. It's worth a try...

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  • 3 months later...

I'm going to add to this thread, even though it's old and probably long-dead! :P


I went through one bottle of this stuff, then thought I'd try something locally available, then something that seemed to work in the bowl the way the Pet Digest did, and am now back price-crunching for Pet Digest!


I talked to my vet about it, and he said generally you'd need to about triple the dose on a product like this to see any measurable effect, and that it needed to be under the right conditions to work (temp, moisture). I'd been soaking Happy's food with the stuff on it, and it actually digests it right there in the bowl. It gets fluffy, like waffle batter. I've tried two other enzyme products, and neither one seems to have any effect on the food at all.


Now, I'm no scientist, but hopefully this translates to ACTUAL benefits, that work for Happy.


BTW, this is the cheapest I've found it so far. ;)


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest SLM4956
Thanks for bringing it back from the dead!! :colgate I am relatively new and dont remember seeing this thread :rolleyes: I have been searching for a solution for our own loose poo problems. I am willing to try just about anything at this point!!
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Xan, thanks for price checking. I just bought 4 bottles at our health food store. It's expensive, but it works. Dylan has not had any diarreha since I've started him on this. The guy at the health food store said that the granules are microencapsulated and you don't need that much. I truly believe Dylan had a case of IBD, (never medically diagnosed) but with these enzymes, it really controls it.

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