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Giving 'icky' Meds

Guest lauri

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I found the easiest way to give miles his Tylan powder is to take a small syringe, plug the tip with my finger add a teensy bit of warm water, add the tylan pwder, then a bit more warm water, put the other part - the thing you push - in the syringe leaving a bit of air space and shake until dissolved. It leaves about 1inch of meds.


I just hold Miles' snoot in the air and shoot it way back in two shots.


I have a glass of plain water to shoot down afterwards to get the taste away.


He's actually not fighting it. BUT he did notice the powder when I tried to 'disguse' it in a cream cheese roll up!

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When my greyhound was on Tylan, I put the powder in empty gel caps, the largest size, OOO I think. That way he didn't have to taste the stuff, except for a little of the residue that probably adherred to the outside of the gel caps. Tylan tastes HORRIBLE. Just put a grain of it on your tongue to see. I don't think a gallon of water could get the awful taste out of your mouth.


How is he doing? Is the Tylan making a difference?

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Guest Greensleeves

That's *exactly* what Nelly's acupuncture vet recommended! She's taking Tramadol, and from the look on her face, it's *horrid.*


She also said that you can get their meds compounded into liquids you can do the same thing with.


Whistler once removed a pulverized (I mean *powder*) pain pill from peanut butter. We ground up the pill, mixed it with pb, and smeared it on the roof of his mouth. Five minutes later, he'd left a pile of pill powder behind, but somehow he got all the pb!!

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Eeewww, I bet it tastes gross if it is an antibiotic. Most of them are nasty. I have a hard time swallowing pills as it is and I remember being on a particularly icky antibiotic and I could smell it, and that was enough to start the gag reflex. I am glad you have found a solution that is working for Miles.

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On some things, I do agree that you just have to put it down their throat, i.e. Tramadol (which is very bitter), the Tylan like you were describing, and Panacur (sometimes you CAN fool them into eating it by mixing it into canned food). Anything injectable with a syringe is easier in some respects.


On the other types of pills, I've always used cream cheese and had no problems with swallowing with my own dogs or the foster dogs (except for Raisin who always had to have things either put down the back of her throat or sometimes I could put it in BUTTER....butter seems to work with some of the hard cases).

Missing our Raisin: 9/9/94 - 7/20/08, our Super Bea: 2003 - 12/16/09, our Howie: 9/17/97 - 4/9/11, our Bull: 8/7/00 - 1/17/13, our Wyatt Earp: 11/22/06 - 12/16/15, and our Cyclone 8/26/05 - 9/12/16

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When my greyhound was on Tylan, I put the powder in empty gel caps, the largest size, OOO I think. That way he didn't have to taste the stuff, except for a little of the residue that probably adherred to the outside of the gel caps. Tylan tastes HORRIBLE. Just put a grain of it on your tongue to see. I don't think a gallon of water could get the awful taste out of your mouth.


How is he doing? Is the Tylan making a difference?



Where do you buy empty gel caps?

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