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Bowel Trouble

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What are the symptoms of constipation? What are your remedies? When do you call the vet?


How about any bowl trouble? When should the vet be called.


Social is showing signs of the big D and now constipation. He went once in the house yesterday. He's never done that before and he acted like he was in trouble. But since then he tries to go outside and nothing. Should we watch him today, Sunday, and call the vet tomorrow? I hate to call the vet on Sunday.


He seems otherwise normal. We think he may be on the back side of the big D. He ate normally yesterday, Saturday. He always wants to go but does nothing.


I've tried searching for this and I couldn't find an answer to my question.


"Some days you're the dog, some days you're the hydrant."
-Cathy, DW to Al, Mom to Darby & Chad. Nana to Gabe, Dominic, & Christopher Welter
Remembering Social (2001-2014) and Gus (2007-2015)

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Bowel obstruction? Ate something he shouldn't have? Even eating too much grass could cause discomfort. An xray may be in order if he doesn't get better soon.


Marcia in SC

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