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Bee Sting

Guest Lovely

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My Linny got into a bee hive somehow at a greyhound event....She got stung by bees. So far we have been able to find 16 bee stings...There were bees completely covering her, I have never seen so many bees in my life. Lucky I only got stung one brushing the bees off of her.


YIKES...I did give her a benadryl.....anything I should be keeping my eye one. She isn't eatting right now.

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I think this post was last night (can't get the time set on mine for my time zone so I always just guess!). Hopefully your pup is fine today...



It's worth having some ammonia (or you can get some Sting-Eze instead) on hand for bee & wasp stings - works for humans too! But if you put it on a sting on the pup, make sure not to let them lick it!!

Jeannine with Merlin, the crazed tabby cat and his sister, Jasmine, the brat-cat

With GTsiggieFromJenn.jpgAngel Cody(Roving Gemini), and Weenie the tortie waiting at the Bridge

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When Pegasus got stung, his tongue swelled, his hair stood up on end, his eyes got puffy...the Evet gave him a shot of adrenaline & benadryl.

My sister's brother/law is allergic to bees/wasp, he got stung a couple of weeks ago, they quickly gave him some benadryl & he went on to the hospital around the corner & got a shot.

I would keep a close eye on her...and you might call your vet tomorrow & ask him if he's got a bee sting kit you can keep on hand in case this happens again.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Hope she is feeling OK. We were at our group's picnic today and the yellowjackets were out in force, I was afraid Frank would get stung as he could not resist snapping at them! He has been stung by yellowjackets before (only two, I can't imagine 16 plus!) and he was fine although he was mad at ME! I always worry, though, as I am allergic to yellowjackets so I assume anyone and everyone else is, too...

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Guest paulamariez

Hope your sweetie is doing ok today. Tiger got bit by a big spider a couple weeks ago and his whole face and neck swelled up for two to three days. It was quite scary. We had him on Benedryl the whole time and it worked wonders! Sending prayers your sweetie will be ok!

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