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Baby Gus Was Attacked This Morning! We Got Lucky!

Guest Vinnie

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Guest ArtoftheGryhnd

Hey Gus -- don't worry you'll be healed in no time! Just listen to Tess. She's full of good advice!


How do we know this?



Sister Annie (Morrighan) sliced her pastern/ankle open at the dog park with pesky brother, Sage/Rian, hip checked her into the chain link fence. Watch those chain link fences! We found the bent wire and repaired it.




Just be happy you can still run and play!


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Hey Gus -- don't worry you'll be healed in no time! Just listen to Tess. She's full of good advice!


How do we know this?



Sister Annie (Morrighan) sliced her pastern/ankle open at the dog park with pesky brother, Sage/Rian, hip checked her into the chain link fence. Watch those chain link fences! We found the bent wire and repaired it.




Just be happy you can still run and play!



Oh no, my poor sister! Sending lots of nosey kisses and healing thoughts from here. Hey bro, you need to be careful with our sister - she shouldn't be hip checked you know! Of course, I should talk, my sissy here hip checked me off the bed and into the bedroom wall the very first time I got up on the big bed by myself - now I won't jump up myself and wait for mom or dad to help put me up (actually, it's like being tucked into bed each nite so I kind of like it). Mama listens to Tess really well cause she knows how smart she is in fixing us up! Hope you are up and running soon!



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Hey Gus -- don't worry you'll be healed in no time! Just listen to Tess. She's full of good advice!


How do we know this?



Sister Annie (Morrighan) sliced her pastern/ankle open at the dog park with pesky brother, Sage/Rian, hip checked her into the chain link fence. Watch those chain link fences! We found the bent wire and repaired it.




Just be happy you can still run and play!



Oh no, my poor sister! Sending lots of nosey kisses and healing thoughts from here. Hey bro, you need to be careful with our sister - she shouldn't be hip checked you know! Of course, I should talk, my sissy here hip checked me off the bed and into the bedroom wall the very first time I got up on the big bed by myself - now I won't jump up myself and wait for mom or dad to help put me up (actually, it's like being tucked into bed each nite so I kind of like it). Mama listens to Tess really well cause she knows how smart she is in fixing us up! Hope you are up and running soon!




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Dear GusBuster,

Sorry to hear you had a bully get you :-(

Never fun to be hurt. But please do remember that uncle Higgins was prob just grumpy being away from his dad and sometimes the older guys does not understand what pups like you are all about. I dont think he would need a muzzle when he visits and not kept away at work either,it could then get worse. Things like this happen and Iam very very sorry. I should tell mom and Mr Jim that when Higgins missbehaves next time ,they quickly show him its not allowed behavior and maybe a "momma dog correction".( you grasp the dog over the muzzle or head, use your fingers bent like using them as teeth, push down and try to get the dog to "fall" to the ground,hold the dog down until submission) Mom and Mr Jim should be the bosses..

Mean while, Gus you are a big boy now and you can handle this just fine. Just like your sister had a cut on her leg, you will be fine. Tell mom to get plenty of neosporin, smear all over the injury incl sutures 4-5 times a day. Check for swelling inside of mouth so you dont chew your inside.

The scar (if you get one) will be no problem for showing so dont worry about it at all. I suggested for Annies mom to maybe take the sutures out herself one by one starting in 7 days. Like 2-3 per day, one in the morning/ midday /night. That way your mom can see how the skin is holding up and you dont need the stress going to the vet and have ALL taken out in one sitting...

My heart is sad that I would prob not be seeing you in San Fransisco next month, however your uncle Leroy showed and won with PINK sutures on his back as 9 month old pup at the houndshow!!!

Your brother Markus finally had his blood drawn on thursday to see if his rabies shot took. Will not get results for another 2-3 weeks. If .5 or over he can then travel to Sweden and see his mom for the first time.

Tell your mom I totally understand her upset, she can call 24/7 with ANY concerns.

Ill check in on you soon





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And thanks for the links for the muzzles - the two mama has on hand were not wide enough for my Uncle's muzzle and then the hook/halter part was too short. Now mama can order the right ones to have on hand for when we have other sleepovers, cause we love those. And mama said that at turkey time we get to have Miss Grace and my buddy Fenway over and I can't wait!


Don't worry Gus, we come with our very own muzzles! My momma knows all about using those, and especially important as we get to know Yum Yum (you know, I still can't figure out why we can't at least have a small taste)! One thing I have learned about muzzles is that it's fun to bash the humans in their crotches with them just to see what they do next. Better tell your pappa to watch out when I come over for my slumber party. Heal quick and I hope to see you soon!



Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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Guest CindiLuvsGreys

Poor baby Gus, you are very lucky to have a brave mommy that will watch over you through the icky stuff. I hope you are feeling much better soon.

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Guest ishapespace

Take care Gus, from our foster, Gus.... our Gus is recovering from being rescued from a neglect situation. He is feeling much better now and hopes you heal quickly as he has!

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Take care Gus, from our foster, Gus.... our Gus is recovering from being rescued from a neglect situation. He is feeling much better now and hopes you heal quickly as he has!



We hope Gus finds a greyt forever home now that he feels better! Thanks for the get well thoughts :colgate




Ouch! I hope Gus feels better soon. :(


I would order a large (male) size from Birdwell Enterprises.


Thanks - I think I will go take a look now. His Uncle has gone home - no more growly face - and keeping fingers crossed for in the office. He has a very wide muzzle and head and we just couldn't find one that fit both parts!


And thanks for the links for the muzzles - the two mama has on hand were not wide enough for my Uncle's muzzle and then the hook/halter part was too short. Now mama can order the right ones to have on hand for when we have other sleepovers, cause we love those. And mama said that at turkey time we get to have Miss Grace and my buddy Fenway over and I can't wait!


Don't worry Gus, we come with our very own muzzles! My momma knows all about using those, and especially important as we get to know Yum Yum (you know, I still can't figure out why we can't at least have a small taste)! One thing I have learned about muzzles is that it's fun to bash the humans in their crotches with them just to see what they do next. Better tell your pappa to watch out when I come over for my slumber party. Heal quick and I hope to see you soon!





Mark says he's going to have to watch out for you Fenway :lol:lol And for the sake of kitty teachings, we will call Yum Yum cow kitty while you are here - it might be less tempting! :P

Edited by Vinnie
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He is doing much better, thank you. :D The meds are keeping any pain at a minimum and we are again trying to keep him relatively calm (yeah, right!) so that neither he nor his sister knock out the stitches on accident - they like to play fight in the air like two praying mantis' - which we love but too scary right now. And it is hard to see on his face unless you know where it is as the wound is in the dark part of his face and the stitches just blend in. We truly did get lucky as this could have been so much worse. He is due to have stitches out next week on Thursday - just the four little extra ones he put in to help a little more - the other 8 - 12 inside will just dissolve - thank goodness.


Thanks again everyone for all the thoughts, prayers and the muzzle link - now we will have extras that fit everyone.

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