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Good Thoughts And Chanting For Bonnie

Guest K9Cookies

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I called and talked to DH last night. His first questions was "Do you think this happened because I didn't give her the Chinese herbs this morning?". :(


He is beating himself up thinking that he caused Bonnie's lymph nodes to enlarge. DH thought we had run out of the herbs, but we have another bottle of each in the kitchen cabinet (which I had forgotten about too). As some of you know, we've had a rough 2008. His dad passed away a few months ago from a rare form of cancer. Everything with Bonnie hit us right before his dad got so sick. Drew says he's bound and determined to make this a good 2008. ;)


Bonnie is doing OK so far. The last injection went really well, so I'm not expecting too many problems. I am anxious to hear what Dr. Couto has to say. I'm sure we will be adding one of the other medications back. Those were the ones that made her so nauseous. I'm not going to worry about it until we figure out what's going to happen. :goodluck

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Guest HersheysMom

Thinking of Bonnie, hoping DH stops blaming himself, and hoping Bonnie has an uneventful week after her Vincristine injection. (Also, tell DH some people believe that skipping days every so often with herbal remedies actually make them more effective on the theory the body is less likely to build up a resistance - maybe it will make him feel better.)

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Just an update for everyone...


We heard back from Dr. Couto. He isn't too concerned about the lymph node enlargement either. Both vets seem to just think it's a bump in the road and that Bonnie isn't coming out of remission. Thank goodness, but I'm still worried. DH and I are going to check her out everyday and keep a close eye on things.


Bonnie got her Leukeran dose today, so we're continuing on with her current protocol. She's been eating MUCH better and plays like before. Thanks for all of your good thoughts and prayers.


Here's my chant

*Just a bump in the road, everything will be fine :D *

*Just a bump in the road, everything will be fine :D *

*Just a bump in the road, everything will be fine :D *

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