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Help! Solid And Watery Stool?

Guest mab149

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Guest mab149

Hi -- Our new (and first) grey came home a week and a half ago. He's adjusting incredibly well and as sweet and goofy as can be, but we're worried about his stool -- the big D problem. His stool in general is better than when he first came home, but if he goes twice, the first stool is relatively solid but the second is varying degrees of soupy (and in fact was clear and watery this afternoon) and sometimes the solid and liquid parts seem to be separate from one another. To date, he has not lost control or had any explosiveness issues. Pardon for the description, but we're wondering if anyone has experienced this or has any suggestions. He's been to the vet and got a clean bill of health, but obviously we will bring him back if this continues. He's eating Innova Evo with pumpkin mixed in. We do not know what he ate or whether he had diarrhea before he came home.


Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Guest crazy4greys

Did you get him straight from the track or was he in a foster home?


I would get a stool sample and have it checked by your vet. He could have worms.



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Evo's a rich food and while I feed it to my dog and he does well, not every dog can tolerate it and most cannot if you put them on it cold turkey. Here's what I'd do:


Give your dog two metamucil wafers (they're cookie like and come in apple and cinnamon flavors). Then, don't feed him for 24 hours to give his gut time to rest. When he does have a bowel movement, it'll probably be gelatinous and possibly orange from the wafers. Don't worry :) Next, cook up some rice. Try feeding him 2c rice with 1/4 cup Evo mixed in twice a day. Each day, you'll increase the amount of Evo and cut the amount of rice. Do it gradually. Within a week, he should be on full kibble.


Oh, and yes, do a fecal check, too to make sure there's not parasites involved, or you may want to give him panacur just in case :)

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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Opie is like that. His first can be nice and solid. If he decides to squeeze out a second one for whatever reason (trip to dog park, something very exciting on his walk), it will be very soft or mushy.

Mom to Toley (Astascocita Toley) DOB 1/12/09, and Bridge Angel Opie (Wine Sips Away) 3/14/03-12/29/12

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Guest argolola

Welcome to GreyTalk and congratulations on your new addition.


We talk about poo all the time around here. I think a lot of greys may have issues when they first come home. We had to de-worm our girl several times.

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If there's nothing medically wrong with him, and you can't find a kibble that firms things up, try beet pulp- add about 1 tablespoon of powdered or chunk beet pulp to each meal. Costs about $10 for a 50# sack at feed-and-seed stores.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Guest greytelectric
Opie is like that. His first can be nice and solid. If he decides to squeeze out a second one for whatever reason (trip to dog park, something very exciting on his walk), it will be very soft or mushy.


Absolutely I agree. With greyhounds their 2nd and 3rd stools are always mushy. Don't know why. They just are. And I also agree that Evo can be too rich for most greys. Keep experimenting with other foods, slowly introducing them over a few weeks. You'll eventually find something that works. I use the Kirkland Chicken, Rice and Vegetable with a little warm water to moisten in the a.m. and then the kibble topped with Blue Buffalo canned in the evening. No problems. Good Luck!

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Guest mab149

Thanks everyone for the suggestions! We'll check for worms and then adjust his kibble. He came straight from the tracks through an adoption organization, and we have no idea what he was eating or how he was doing before he came to us, so we don't have a baseline against which to judge things. So we really, really appreciate your suggestions!

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Guest CircusGreyZoe

Sounds like you're on the right track. We went through this with Zoe, too, and found a grain-free food just too rich for her (and she somehow lost weight on it). When you switch foods, be sure to do it gradually and give it time--it can take several weeks or a month for their systems to really adjust. For what it's worth, we've got Zoe on California Natural lamb and rice, and it works really well for her (and our budget).


Oh, and we've got the "second poop on the walk is mushy" problem too--I think it's just the way they are!

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Guest 20PawsinAlaska

Jack had his first solid poop today!!!! It's been 4 weeks and I was VERY stressed. We did pumpkin, turkey/rice, Flagyl, yogurt, etc. I think the major problem was just all the changes. New water, new diet, new everything. I bet it clears up soon. Good Lord, I've never been so excited about formed poop, nor have I spent so much time thinking about it and talking about it. I've turned into the crazy dog lady.

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Guest Harry702
Jack had his first solid poop today!!!! It's been 4 weeks and I was VERY stressed. We did pumpkin, turkey/rice, Flagyl, yogurt, etc. I think the major problem was just all the changes. New water, new diet, new everything. I bet it clears up soon. Good Lord, I've never been so excited about formed poop, nor have I spent so much time thinking about it and talking about it. I've turned into the crazy dog lady.


;) You're definitely not alone. DH and I were surprised by how quickly "the quest for firm poops" became a favorite topic of discussion in our house. It took Harry about 4-6 weeks to have consistently firm poops (and I say "consistently," with the understanding that this statement excludes major changes in diet -- ie, accidentally scarfing of kitty kibble, and 2nd poops on a walk... those are always soft. DH and I joke, "not enough time to cure"), and he's on EVO w/ pumpkin, too. FWIW, Harry does well on EVO, so I'm not sure I'd give up on it yet if I were in your place. I'd also consider the fecal check if things don't settle down soon. Also, make sure your pup is getting plenty of water... loose stools can lead to dehydration; particularly in the summer months.


Best of luck!

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