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Bones For Those Missing Lots Of Teeth?

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Two of my four have lots of teeth missing, but their remaining teeth still need to be cared for. Do those of you who feed raw, or give bones for teeth, give them to dogs with missing teeth?


In Happy's case, the only teeth that oppose each other (top and bottom) are the front teeth, the little flea-biters, so chewing with her remaining lower teeth wouldn't work. No point in it, right?


Wabi's teeth don't all line up (because of her skull deformities), and she has none on the upper right side. She likes to chew, but when given rawhide-type treats, she just manages to soften them up and then tries to swallow them whole. :eek Is it worth giving her chicken parts, much less turkey necks? I did give her a wing once, and she chewed it a few times, then gulped it! :blink: So, a wing, for instance, is too small! Suggestions?


Of course, I still have to get a dog-meat-only freezer (I'm a vegan), and figure out how to separate them while they eat The Good Stuff, but these questions need answers before I invest that much!




My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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I'd have to say no. I've stopped giving Jack raw bones unless they're very soft and flexible (as in lamb ribs) because he only has three teeth that line up, and then there's the problem that he might swallow too soon because Renie is likely to finish first and come to see if she can swipe his.


Renie gets the ribs with bones in, Jack gets the ribs without - unless, as I said, they're very soft and flexible.


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Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Mine fortunately don't have any missing teeth, but I can tell you that they mostly use their back teeth for chewing, the front ones do very little. Also, if there is concern about swallowing pieces without chewing, I would definitely go for bigger items, not smaller (so turkey necks instead of chicken, etc.).


When my two have more involved pieces they tend to tilt their head to the side and chew that way. So it's possible that they could do this also, depending on exactly how many teeth are missing and where they are. Chicken flesh is much softer than a rawhide too. I'd be tempted to try a couple of leg quarters myself, I mean it's either that or keep brushing those remaining teeth, so what have you got to lose? I wouldn't give them on an empty stomach to reduce their desire to swallow things though, either give them after a meal or a few hours after, depending on how food focused your dogs are.

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Thanks, Ola and Silverfish. :)


So, Happy would continue to get her teeth brushed, but no bones, and maybe Wabi could have some larger-than-wings stuff, but she'll still have to get her off-side teeth brushed! Well, she's the one I most worry about with anesthesia, so I might give her a try anyway. The boys, no worries, I'm sure! :lol


I still think if I could manage raw altogether, it would be better for everyone! Maybe someday. :)


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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