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Hesitating Or Limping On Pavement

Guest beejer

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Guest beejer

I admit to not walking my grey routinely due to the neighborhood we were in and so many loose dogs. However we moved last summer and I was excited to get Ginger out for a walk, thinking we would start out slowly. We barely made it a few yards before she started holding up her legs and not wanting to walk. Thinking she just didn't like that pavement I gave in and we came home. Last week I walked her down our driveway after walking around the yard and she did it again. She will walk all over the back yard when I let her out, she races through the house so don't suspect anything is hurting her but as soon as we go out to walk she suddenly goes lame. She is excited to go until we get out there. I just don't know what to make of it. Has she suddenly decided she just don't like the hard asphalt surface or what? We have stone in our kitchen and she walks on it just fine. Any ideas??



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I would check her feet thoroughly for any possible cuts or sores and also for corns. hold each paw in your hand and use your fingers to push down on each pad to see if you get a reaction. Also check in between her toes for foreign objects. One time one of our dogs had a piece of their nail caught in a crevice in their pad. All we could see was a white dot but I picked it out and it ended up being fairly large. They were limping for a week because of it but in the end it was a simple problem. He would walk fine on grass and in the house, but once he was on the road/sidewalk, he would limp hard.

Edited by LadyBailey
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Guest boondog
I would check her feet thoroughly for any possible cuts or sores and also for corns. hold each paw in your hand and use your fingers to push down on each pad to see if you get a reaction. Also check in between her toes for foreign objects. One time one of our dogs had a piece of their nail caught in a crevice in their pad. All we could see was a white dot. I picked it out and it was huge what came out. They were limping for a week because of it but in the end it was a simple problem.


I was thinking corn, as well. Boon has a corn and does fine on grass and carpet. He limps on pavement and has to wear his Thera-Paw bootie.

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Sounds like corns. A friend of mine has a Grey with a chronic corn problem and she has to put booties on his feet before walking him on hard surfaces.


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Guest dmboynt

Sure sounds like corns. Flash started refusing to walk on rough surfaces and running right over to the grass whenever he could. He really started lagging on walks aroung the neighborhood. There were no cuts just small round raised bumps on his pads. He had them on three of his feet. After trying all sorts of remedies I settled on a dremmel. Fortunately Flash is really good with having his feet handled. I soak his paws for a little bit then dremmel the corn down below the surface of his pad. This seems to make him much more comfortable on walks. I also purchased a set of thera-paws boots for when we will be walikng in rough areas with little grass. Good Luck

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When any of my dogs have either joint issues/disc etc., their gait will be off on concrete but fine on grass. Even though I do continue to walk them (abeit, a bit less) I do keep them on the strip of grass between the street and sidewalk (by us it's called the easement).

If this continues I would have the vet check it out.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest momto5greys

Could be that she's not used to walking on that type of surface.


A friend kept Hildy over the weekend for me a couple of weeks ago and came home with a little bit of a limp. I looked at her pads and they looked sanded off. Their back door opens onto their drive and it has a rough blacktop surface. And she was running on it. Here at home she gets off a wooden deck and then onto grass (ok mostly dirt and then mud!)


Maybe some boots would help.

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