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Is This Strange Or Normal

Guest doggiehappiness

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Guest doggiehappiness

Ernie's splint was removed today. His leg is looking okay, but obviously still healing and very thin from lack of use. He has seemed a little introverted since this was done. He spent some time alone in the bedroom today immediately after the splint was taken off. He was watching us from the door. I think he just wanted some space after the removal. However, he just went over to his crate, but the door wasn't open, so he came back to his dog bed in the bedroom. If he really wants to go into the crate, that's fine, but it is not his usual routine. He doesn't seem to be in pain, but is being careful with the leg. He is walking on it. For some background info, he broke his leg, it healed with some problems, and a second surgery was done to correct the problems (Achilles tendon lengthened, bone that was growing weird cleaned, joint straightened some.) What do you think? Maybe he's not feeling as confident without the splint?

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Guest Rosie_Dozer

Change is really difficult on some hounds, and it must feel kinda strange without the cast. I'm happy he is cast free ! ;)

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I would leave the crate door open and let him go in and out as he wishes. Maybe he feels insecure with the leg just now and wants the safety and protection of the crate for a while where he know his leg will not get bumped by anyone.

Sue from England


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Guest LynnM

Leave him be. If you have Rimadyl or some other NSAID, I'd go ahead and give it. He's going to be sore in the near future if he's putting weight on it so soon. Keep him quiet, continue with all the confinement/leash walking for a few more days post removal.



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Our friends grey took about a week before he started putting any weight on his booboo foot after he got his splint off.

2 weeks later, he's still favoring it-but is putting some weight on it now. He starts hobbling again when he's had too much fun but he's slowly getting better. It's kind of like physical therapy, they have to take it slow just like we do.



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do you have other hounds? it could be that he's just feeling a little vulnerable or something and wanting to feel protected in his crate



Michelle...forever missing her girls, Holly 5/22/99-9/13/10 and Bailey 8/1/93-7/11/05

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