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Pottying Inside And Panting

Guest emily

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Guest emily

Sophie has had two accidents in the house in the past week. It could be that DH failed to let her out early enough the first time and that she just got overly excited about her new brand of food last night, scarfed it all down and then could not hold it this morning. But DH did let her out first thing this morning and did not notice the mess when he did. Both times it was not solid but not super-runny. Today she seems to be panting a lot although it is 86 outside and so the house is warmer. Also she seems to be doing what I call 'hyperventilating' much more than normal. She is a shy girl and when she just a treat she 'hyperventilates'. It is hard to describe... sort of a wheezing noise. Any thoughts? I am watching her closely of course. We lost Sailor one year ago Saturday so I could just be extra-paranoid because that anniversary is looming.

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Most dogs get diarrhea if you just switch their food on them. Did you just give her new food, cold turkey? If so, that explains that!


86 is hot--she's probably just hot! And if she had bad diarrhea, her stomach doesn't feel well.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest lotsagreys4me

I agree with Jumping George.. And dog doors can work wonders for dogs that need to get out and we forget. Is

that an option for you?


edited because I can't spell..........................sorry

Edited by lotsagreys4me
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Both times it was not solid but not super-runny. Today she seems to be panting a lot although it is 86 outside and so the house is warmer.


Did you transition the food?


Are you saying there is no a/c in your house? 86 outside would mean a lot higher inside and that is very warm. They can't handle extreme heat or extreme cold. Are you uncomfortable (i.e., sweating) in your house? Any fans on?

Diane & The Senior Gang

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Guest emily

No, no, we certainly have air conditioning!! We live in Memphis. The AC is set to 72 and this is our first hot day so this is the first time the house has actually made it to 72 before the AC kicked in. I buy a couple of brands of food depending what is on sale. Her tummy does not normally get upset but I noticed she ate all of the food I put out last night (two bowls, she free-feeds) which was unusual as she is not normally Miss Piggy. Two messes inside in a week is unheard of for Sophie which is why I was concerned... then I noticed the panting and wheezing... She will be 8 in November so it may also be that she cannot eat like she used to. I should start mixing food when I buy a different kind.

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