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We Had To Change Our Course

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Thanks for the links Jordan! Very helpful.


I will check on getting her records sent off. Not a bad idea. We have been working with a specialist out here in California. Ironically, his grey had it too.


Off to my kids surgery tomorrow. I will post more after our vet visit Friday.

The Girls

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Shanti got another shot today. Today she is dead lame, yesterday she was good. Go figure. I don't get this.


She dropped more weight. She is down to 58.8lbs. I guess I will add more chicken or something. She is eating, but it is bribed eating. I have to be careful of her stomach. We go back for our final adequan injection early next week and we will run a blood tests.

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Sending more prayers. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Shanti, Bless your heart, thank god you have a mommy and daddy that really cares, we have been staying in touch with mommys post, and we are still saying lots of prayers. :bighug

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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We have done our last adequan injection!!! We are hoping that will help build up the joint a bit. Today she weighed in at 59.8 pounds so she gained a pound in the last couple days. She needs it! We ran our blood work for being on all the medication so I will find out those results in a couple days.


I spoke to the vet about increasing her prednisone dose. She does not want to do that. Shanti is too risky. So it may be a slower road, but we hope to be having more good than bad days shortly.


The prednisone has increased her appetite. She has regained her stealing abilities. :P Shame on me, I apparently got lax. Back to "Shanti proof" mode.


I am going to start a log on her so we can see if there is a pattern to her good and bad days and some of her other issues.


Hopefully we will be on the winning edge of this soon!

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Shanti's blood work all came back great!!! As of now, she is tolerating the medication well.


The vet is going through all her chart stuff and seeing if we are missing something. She is starting to think we need to investigate her tummy issues. She is getting a lot of the runs lately. She tends to get it now and then, but we are having way more of it. We have done a fecal recently, but we will do another. The vet had said some intestine issues could cause joint swelling. Seems odd, but what do I know.


We are now doing Prednisone every other day. Today she did not get any and her joint is swollen.


So our journey continues....


The Girls

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest brit1

I hope Shanti is still doing well. Did you find a good resource for Imuran, looks like my non grey will be on it for IMPA as the pred alone has not helped enough and when they added Cyclosporine it didn't do the job so we may be switched to Imuran and hope that it does the job and that they can start lowering the pred. My only concern is that it appears to be so expensive :huh



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I hope Shanti is still doing well. Did you find a good resource for Imuran, looks like my non grey will be on it for IMPA as the pred alone has not helped enough and when they added Cyclosporine it didn't do the job so we may be switched to Imuran and hope that it does the job and that they can start lowering the pred. My only concern is that it appears to be so expensive :huh



Sadly, Shanti is not doing well yet. It has been 7 weeks. I have to give it 3 months. I have heard cyclosporine may not work on IMPA. As for the Imuran, Costco!!! $41 after tax for 100 pills. It was $107 for 30 at the vets. Huge savings! We had to lower the prednisone early on Shanti. I think this is part of the problem, but it is too risky with her.


I hope you have luck with Imuran. Keep me posted! PM me anytime. I would love to know how yours does.

The Girls

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Guest vahoundlover

I've been thinking about Shanti. I'm sorry to hear she's not doing well yet. :grouphug

Keeping your beautiful girlie in my prayers.


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Guest brit1

Oh I am sorry to hear this but apparently not unusual. We have been on pred for a month and then the addition of cyclosporine for 2 weeks with not enough improvement (so approx 8 weeks) when they examined her for painful inflammation. Btw no more life threatening fever bouts however or any other symptoms altho I could tell she still had inflammation in hind end/back because she can't jump up on bed like she used to. They are checking the cyclosporine level to see if its at therapeutic level, if it is then they said its not doing its job and they will have to switch her to Imuran. Thanks so much for telling me about Costco, I am not a member but I understand you don't have to be to use the pharmacy. I will do anything to help her but the costs are killing me. Btw I have posted before and had pm'd you when my dog was dx with IMPA but then the site wouldn't let me on due to changed email address. I tried to change it but it wouldn't let me do that either. So I signed up under a new name in order to post but of course as its a new account cannot pm :( What are Shanti's symptoms now? Frankly I cried all the way home from the neuro when I found out they can't lower the pred yet and that she has to be on a new drug :crying Her last fever bout was so bad I had the choice to pts or go this route, my only fear is I may have made the wrong decision for her, I don't want her to suffer from the meds. She has had such a hard life (I adopted her last fall, she is 8yo) that its hard for me to believe she came her to me and now has this as there was no sign of it while I was fostering her and no indication of it in her past. I cannot imagine my life without her, if she had to have this I am glad she is with me.


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Shanti's symptoms are joint swelling and dead lame at this time. She is running a bit warm, but not too bad. She is tolerating the medicine very well, it is just not working like we want it to yet. If we don't get improvement in a another month, we will likely change course again. We are slowly eliminating all our possibilities and options. She is also on Tramadol for pain 2x daily.


The good news is that anyone can get a Costco membership. I think it is $50 or $55. You will save that in the first medicine dose. I get Shanti's prednisone and Tramadol at Wal Mart. They are $4 and $8. Again way cheaper than the vets!


Greytalk has been very helpful! Lots of people have sent me links to cheaper medication and articles on IMPA. I can send you what I got, I believe most are posted in this thread though.


Since you cannot pm, you can email me at h20squirtr@aol.com. That is a zero after h2. O was already taken. DH is a fireman, hence the email. :) Just put in the subject it is you. If I don't recognize it, I just delete. :P

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