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Getting Enough Exercise With

Guest lanielovesgreys

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Guest lanielovesgreys

Sol is doing much better. But the poor guy is just dying to play. And, we're dying to give him a way to get rid of all that extra energy. Usually, I can let them out in the backyard in the morning and they'll do their business and come right back in. But today, Sol got way excited and just ran all over. I got in the way and stopped him, but not before his paw started bleeding again.


Ug, I'm a bad Mommy. From here on out, it's leashed, even in our backyard. Poor guy just NEEDS to run, ya know? :( It'll be 2 more weeks before the vet says it's ok. Do you guys have any suggestions of ways to get this bundled up energy OUT?



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oh, I hear ya - loud and clear! Merlin recently ripped a toe nail out, and was not able to go for a good run for over two weeks. Yikes! I did walk him gently around the neighborhood, and I tried to play with him more than usual and do some training, both of which really stimulate dogs' brains and tire them out. It really helps. Exercise is not the only form of stimulation that can ensure your hound is tuckered out at the end of the day! Also, anything that is a change from his routine will demand mental energy.


When I took Merlin to the ballpark again (boy, was he happy to run again!), I was a delinquent mum and forgot to walk him BEFOREHAND to get him a little warmed up - I only walked him afterwards - and he pulled a muscle. Two days later, he's already on the mend, but just thought I'd mention it here!


Glad to hear Sol is doing so much better!


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest lanielovesgreys

That's a great idea. I'm going to go pick up a couple of clickers today. Schumi is ready, I think, and Sol is bored. The most excitement he gets is when he gets his pills in the chicken. :lol:



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Guest grapecat

I agree with the the training idea - when our dog Humphrey broke his leg he couldn't go for walks for a few months. Training saved the day. he learned "down" and "wait & take" etc - it really used up his energy, made him feel good and kept him from getting too frustrated.

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Guest LolasMom

Another big vote for training here. Lola has a six week no run restriction! :crazy She's nursing a dislocated toe. In addition we just added little Freddy to our home so the desire to run is way up there! We've practiced down, stay, take a bow, wait, whisper, speak and then some!! All that thinking does tire her out and I think she actually loves showing off for the new kid. :)

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