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I Don't Know What In The World He

Guest lanielovesgreys

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Guest lanielovesgreys

Meet Sol, our newest member of the family. Sol and our original, Schumi, were bff's from the moment they met at the dog park. We have been dog sitting Sol from time to time so when Sol's human had to make the difficult choice to give him up, we were ready to take him and give him his forever home.




Apparently, Sol was running at the dog park and let out a big yelp. Sol's human rushed over to find Sol bleeding like crazy. He carried him to his truck where Sol gushed blood everywhere. They made it to the vet and Sol got 4 stiches on his paw. Fast forward 3 days, Sol's human decides he can't be there for Sol like he needs to, so he signed him over to us.


When we got him, the cut was pretty bad. We slept on it and realized we should probably call the vet to make sure everything was healing properly. It wasn't, so we took him in last night and had him re-stitched.


The cut goes from one side of the paw (underside) to the top. Between his toes (yeoooooooowch). DH said he could see the tendon. :huh Sol's human said he didn't have time to go searching for what he stepped on. Do you think it could have just been a stick or something? I mean, going at the speeds our dogs can do, I would imagine it wouldn't take much. But it's a HUGE cut. All the way through the paw, and about an inch long. Almost like it was sliced.




I guess my question is, what do I need to look for in the park to prevent something like this from happening again? If you guys had to guess, what would cause that kind of damage?

Edited by lanielovesgreys
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Guest lanielovesgreys

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Do you think something natural like a stick or that wood mulching stuff could have done that?



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All I can say is, my dog sliced her foot from webbing underneath up to the top in her own yard with no obvious source of damage, except... We were on vacation & it was the critter sitter at home. The pup in question went flying around the corner of the house & sitter heard a bang then dog scream. Dog comes limping back around to front of house with bleeding paw. Best guess is she ran into the fence or the panel of a 10' X 30' pen on the side of the house. The slice was clean & we let it heal without trying to rejoin the webbing. She is fine now. We never found anything in the yard that could cause that sort of damage. Years ago I had a dog come into from the yard with a puncture wound on lower leg. Never found the source of the damage. Neither incident has been repeated. Sometimes you can't prevent the freak accidents. Hope Sol heals without further incident. That's gotta hurt!

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Guest lotsagreys4me

I do beleive it could have been a stick or rock. If he was running full out the impact of him hitting the ground would have been great. Any little thing on the ground could have ripped his paw. so sorry and hoping for a fast recovery.

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Ouch. It most certainly could have been a rock or a stick. Ours have gotten cut on small twigs that have fallen from my neighbour's tree. I try to keep them cleared out of the yard, but from time to time, I have missed one. It's worse in the winter when you can't see them under the snow.

Uber cut himself on a stick early this winter and ended up with a pretty deep hole on the soft part of his foot between his toe pads and large pad (I don't know the technical name for it). It took almost two months to heal and lots of epsom salt foot baths.

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Guest GreytMuse

Congratulations on your new pup! I hope we get to meet him when he heals up! :)


Here's hoping for quick healing and trauma-free runs at the park.

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Guest lanielovesgreys

Thanks everyone. I suppose you can't prevent everything! I'm a paranoid momma.


Poor guy was so excited to come to the house (he LOVES Schumi). He was jumping around and dashed right out the back door when we went to let them out to go. We pretty much have to hold him down when he's excited to prevent him hurting himself and doing further damage. All I want to do is love him up and play with him. :(


This is a picture of him about 10 minutes ago. He sure dosen't LOOK like he's in pain. IMG_0669.jpg

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Feel better soon handsome. Welcome home honey. :grouphug


Patti-Mommy of Lady Sophia 7-28-92 - 8-3-04... LaceyLaine 8-2-94-12-5-07...

Flash Gordon 7-14-99 - 8-29-09... BrookLynne...Pavé Maria... and 18 Bridge Kids.




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Guest lanielovesgreys

Hay guys, Sol here. My new humans took that annoying bandage off today. It smells like da vet so I'm TRYING to lick the smell off, but dose darn humans put somfin on my face and now I can't reach it. Will someone come lick it fer me? Oh, and I'm pretty sure I can yank those stitches out if I could just get a good grip. If I could only reach it. :( It's so sad to be me today. The humans tried to give me treats, but I just don't think duck jerky makes this fence over my mouth feel any better. Woe is me.



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Poor Sol! You'll be better soon, buddy. :wub:


Happy had a cut that went through the webbing between the toes from one of the other dogs' claws when he stepped on her in a tight space. Stuff happens. It healed without stitches, but I did keep it clean and keep her from doing too much for about a week to give it a head start.


Congrats on your new pup!


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Manero (non-Grey) did that a couple years ago, in our backyard. I had him and his brother outside ona beautiful early March day, and heard a yelp. I went outside, thinking Cooper had done something, because he is always hurting himself. Instead, Manero cam to me with a foot covered in blood.


Turned out he had severed an artery, and required 5 skin sutures. It was not pretty.


He healed fine, and has had no further effects.

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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