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Ugh! Bad Daddy! Poor Jumpy!

Guest VelvetEars

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Guest VelvetEars

Our back storm door has started sticking, and Jumpy was in a hurry to go out. DH didn't stop her, and she squeezed through, scraping her legs and ripping a nail (not completely off, just enough to have a nice amt of blood on the carpet). And of course, she does this 10 minutes after our vet closed. ARGH!!! So for now, I've cleaned her up, put styptic gel on it, and bandaged her with a gauze pad and vet wrap and then covered the whole thing with a baby sock.


Think it's ok to wait until tomorrow to get her an appt at the regular vet? She's walking on it and still begging for cookies. I'll cover it with a bag and leash walk her until then, to make sure she doesn't get mud on/in it.


Jackson had to go w/ me to PetSmart for the Kwik Stop, liquid bandage (for her scrapes), and the antiseptic spray (because of course we were out). He's probably wondering why he picked this sister who gets aaaaalllll the attention. :rolleyes:

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What a bummer. I'm sure she'll be fine until tomorrow. In fact, when you take the wrap off in the morning, (IF there's any wrapping left) - the whole nail might be gone, and you're in the clear. Diana ripped an entire nail off one time (EWWWW) and she didn't even notice! No vet, no nadda. She was fine. If you've got a nail "hanging" though, I'd probably have it removed.


Trust yourself and your dog- if she's telling you she's ok for the night .... she is.


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Guest EmilyAnne

Our late Alfalfa once ripped an entire nail out. Though there was huge amounts of blood, the vet just gave me instructions on what to do over the phone and said there was no need to bring him in. Basically rinse with clean water, apply neosporin and cover up.

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Guest VelvetEars

Right now, she's mad because daddy didn't share any pizza with her. :chow And so far, she's leaving her bandage alone. The liquid bandage I sprayed on her scrapes has a bittering agent to it (and I accidently left some on my fingers, which I discovered when eating the aforementioned pizza - it definitely deters finger-licking!), so she's leaving her scrapes alone too.


You'd think this was my first greyhound injury....I'm just a worrier.

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Guest Chiad

The following is not the opinion of a person with any official medical paperwork in any way, shape, or form.

(Now that the rump-covering is out of the way...)


Leave it until tomorrow. Especially if the bleeding is stopped, she's weight bearing, and otherwise bright and alert. Yes indeed on the bagging that bandage before going out to potty. If the bandage is stuck to any of the scrapes or the toe, you may want to moisten it before removing it to prevent tearing off any nice scabs that have formed. Once the bandage is removed (be that later tonight or tomorrow), you may want to try leaving it to air, as long as she doesn't obsess over licking it, and it doesn't start bleeding again (you may want to re-bandage/bag that foot before going outside for a day or two). Go to the vet at the first sign of 1) infection, 2) non-weight-bearing on that limb, 3) depression, poor colour, other sign of ill health.


But that's just what I would do in your situation. :) She's your dog and you know her best!

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Guest VelvetEars

We went to the vet and he said it was probably best to remove it, so she's there - they sedated her and took it off, and once she's not so groggy I'll be able to go back and get her. She came w/o being UTD on shots, etc., so she got those too. Poor girlie...


And Jackson is beside himself - his new sissy is gone already! I'm not sure if he thinks she's dead, or what (given how suddenly Jane left us). I keep reassuring him that she'll be home for supper, but I don't think he's buying it.

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Guest VelvetEars

I do have to say, she is the most cooperative greyhound I've had when it comes to injuries and being manipulated. She let me pick her up and put her on the exam table, and when the vet came in he was surprised she was up there, just hanging out. No complaints while he examined her, either. Jackson would have had to be muzzled, as he hates having his feet touched.

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Glad to hear she's ok. I had this happen to Merlin a couple of weeks ago. The nail is taking forever to grown back, but I was told to expect this, so I don't really care - basically, as long as he's not in any pain or discomfort, I'm happy!


Just FYI, I have been using the DoggiezBest disposable (and biodegradable) booties when I take him out for walks, so that his paw stays clean. I found out about them on GT! :) They have very fast shipping! I choose the USPS Priority Box which is just a few cents more than first class.

Edited by merlinsmum


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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How is Jumpy Doing? I hope she is feeling a lot better. Bless her heart.

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Guest VelvetEars

She was very happy to come home, that's for sure! :) She only has to stay bandaged for 2 days - so tomorrow night we can unbandage her. She has antibiotics, of course. And the whole visit only cost me $103!! I feel like I got a bargain! (Our recent trip to the vet w/ a cat who was blocked due to FLUTD was $700 -- different vet, though, because our vet wasn't open for that emergency and he couldn't wait.)

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