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Enlarged Liver

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A brief history: Cleo vomited yellow bile on Tuesday (February 19) evening (2x) prior to eating dinner. She refused her dinner that evening which is very unusual for her. On Thursday morning (February 21) she vomited bile again (2x) before breakfast. She did eat breakfast. On Thursday evening we decided a vet visit would be the best thing to do for Cleo's health and our peace of mind.


We visited our vet on Saturday and discussed our concerns. Blood profiles recommended were HCBC, CC3, WD3.


Based on those results (her bilirubin levels were slightly elevated), a bile acids test was conducted yesterday (I'm waiting for the results) and x-rays of her liver taken. The x-rays were inconclusive but our vet did indicate that Cleo's liver was enlarged and pushing her stomach laterally. She was unable to get a clear picture of her liver as the spleen and liver were overlapping. We have been referred to an internal medicine specialist on Wednesday, March 5th. An ultrasound may be required on Wednesday.


She is still a bit out of it today but I think that is the after effects of being sedated for x-rays yesterday. She's not interested in eating but she's drinking and taking care of other business. It's a beautiful day here so we're going to go for a short walk in a bit.


I honestly don't know what to think. Cleo is not in pain. And she's her normal grouchy self...bossing everybody around.


I've done some internet searching but I'm not coming up with much luck. We're just wondering if anyone has any suggestions?


Thanks in advance.


And if you could spare some good thoughts for our Diva girl on Wednesday, they would be much appreciated.


ETA our vet mentioned the possibility of a TBD. Would an enlarged liver be consistent with a TBD? Cleo hasn't had a tick panel done. Should we do that before an ultrasound?

Edited by CleosMom


Cleo (Golddust Cadilac 83484 Blazing Desire X Greys Blu Fox)

Cole (Hallo Jeremy 88778 My Rooster X Bahama Tango)

Athena (R and a Peach 93839 Coldwater Guv X R and a Lady)

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From my reading an enlarged liver is sometimes seen in dogs with tick borne diseases and it is also seen in dogs with Cushings disease among other things. The liver is a complex organ and is affected by factors. You may already be familiar with this information Liver Disease, but as you can see it's pretty complex and enlargement can have many causes.


I'll keep you and Cleo in my thoughts and hope for good news at your appointment on Wednesday.



Edited by galgrey

Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
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"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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Thanks very much for the link to that article. It was very helpful!


Cleo (Golddust Cadilac 83484 Blazing Desire X Greys Blu Fox)

Cole (Hallo Jeremy 88778 My Rooster X Bahama Tango)

Athena (R and a Peach 93839 Coldwater Guv X R and a Lady)

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Guest Tenderhearts

I'd recommend testing for a TBD. Skittle's ultrasound never did show anything remarkable other than a slightly enlarged liver. They were looking for a shunt or tumors. Do you know what her bilirubin level was?

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Thanks Devon. Cleo's bilirubin levels were "8". I did some searching and found Dr. Feeman's article which indicates that normal g-h values are 0 to 0.7. The only problem is the unit of measurement which, according to our vet, is different in Canada. So is ""8" high?


Based on my many hours of research this morning, I'm leaning towards a TBD. I would prefer to do another blood test rather than put Cleo through the stress of a day-long vet visit. Yesterday just wasn't pretty for her...or us.


Cleo (Golddust Cadilac 83484 Blazing Desire X Greys Blu Fox)

Cole (Hallo Jeremy 88778 My Rooster X Bahama Tango)

Athena (R and a Peach 93839 Coldwater Guv X R and a Lady)

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I would do the ultrasound and probably send your blood off for tick testing that same day, depending on what you see. If she's got cysts or something else going on there, you want to know that now, not later.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
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Thanks Devon. Cleo's bilirubin levels were "8". I did some searching and found Dr. Feeman's article which indicates that normal g-h values are 0 to 0.7. The only problem is the unit of measurement which, according to our vet, is different in Canada. So is ""8" high?


Based on my many hours of research this morning, I'm leaning towards a TBD. I would prefer to do another blood test rather than put Cleo through the stress of a day-long vet visit. Yesterday just wasn't pretty for her...or us.


As I recall, I tried to figure out the same thing for Romi's last panel, as the vet said his was high, but the unit of measurement was different - I believe that our (Canadian) "8" is their (American)".8" and if that's the case, than her bilirubin is high, but not a lot.


Tempo (Keep the Tempo), Nora (Road Noise) & Gabe the babe (Gable Habenero), Cooper (Uncle Bud's Coop), Topper (Red Top), & Galgos Lisette & Manolito. Missing our beloved angels Cody (Kiowa My Dodie), Lou (Cantankerous Lou), Romi (FingerRoll), Connie (Devie's Concord), Millie (Djays Overhaul), Bailey (Hallo Forty nine), Andy (Iza Handy Boy, and Rocco (Ripley Rocco), Gracie (VS Megan), Eragon the Longdog, Joey (WJS Flashfire), Roy (Folly and Glory)

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Guest lat41065

I also would go ahead with the ultrasound as liver malignancies can manifest in the beginning as vomiting poor appetite. I am sure that is not what you wanted to hear but my friend just went through the same type of situation.


Best Wishes,


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