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Ate Onions

Guest greyhound_mommy

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Guest greyhound_mommy

Halle and Sam got into a bag of onions I set out this evening. I think they only hate one. Should I induce vomiting just incase?



Thanks............and yes I know they ate it cause I found part of one and Sam has horrid onion breath.

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Guest KennelMom

Yeah...I'd definitely induce vomiting. Better safe than sorry. :goodluck


If you're using hydrogen peroxide, I just open the mouth and dump...or load up the nearest syringe and squirt. You'll get roughly the right amount and they're gonna puke it up anyway.

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Guest greyhound_mommy

soooooooooo no vomit yet and we have given him several tsp. Probably about 7. He keeps hunkering thinking he has to poo. I feel so bad. He's not even hacking. I bought a new bottle right after I posted. I think it's trying to come out the wrong end.

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It takes mores peroxide than you realize to cause puking. I would just open his mouth and pour, like Heather says.

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
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Guest greyhound_mommy



Heh, eventually we just poured. Poor little guy. He's very upset to be outside. I keep bringing him in on the rug to warm up and back outside. He seems confused. Bet he won't touch onions again lol.

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Guest KennelMom

They should vomit within 5-6 minutes. 7 tsps isn't enough. Open and pour. You want him to throw up that onion asap.


Good news! I'd leave him out for a few minutes...there can be some residual pukes

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Guest greyhound_mommy

Thanks for all the thoughts and advice. He did vomit twice last night. I felt so bad for him. He kept squatting in the yard like he had to poo. I figured for him to be that miserable he had to be in pain. He seemed so confused.


I fed him a very light meal this morning and he ate then threw up more yellow, foamy stuff. I figured there would be kibble in it but there wasn't. Hopefully he feels better tonight and I will give him another light meal. Onions were immediately put back away. I took them out and told DH "look I had onions." (I couldn't find any the other night) and left them out. Bad move. Glad they both were ok. I am assuming Halle didn't get much cause she seemed ok. Sam I KNEW had it because of his onion breath!

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