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hello. I know this MUST have been posted somewhere..but I can't seem to find it! Starting yesterday Missy has had three liquid poops. yesterday morning first one was normal..second on the same walk was liquid. No more during the day yesterday...not thinking, I gave her her regular dinner. Woke us up two times last nite to go liquid (in the yard thankfully).

The only dietary change has been CET chews (has had none since Friday). She is also limping more (I waited too long between accupuncture). the other dogs are fine.. this one never gets sick; she can eat anything. I did notice her poop appeared slimy (mixed with solid) Friday morning.

SO. this morning, I gave her two peptos. I worry she needs her meds, so I gave her the metacam and her fresh factors..not her arthri soothe liquid gold. I did give the fish oil (which I now think I shouldn't have). No food. She has been eating Beef and barley nature's variety.

Can someone please refresh my memory on what to give her besides pepto or immodium, and how to introduce food..I have organic plain yogurt in the house and will get plain pumpkin. When Garry gets sick I give him boiled chop meat and pasta since he can't tolerate chicken. she weighs about 75 lbs. THANKS!!!


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Our vet usually recommends cooked, drained hamburger and rice or Iams vet prescription Low Residue kibble--you can get it only through a vet. When our Wizard had a super awful attack (walls and carpet spattered in two rooms--the vet called it the "s**t and spins" ) and became lethargic, we took him in for IV fluids and they gave him some sort of prescription meds to help settle him. He didn't eat for a day or so then, anyway.


I probably missed earlier posts, but was the limp diagnosed by a vet before acccupuncture?

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Guest HeatherDemps

I was told by our vet that they don't recommend immodium anymore for dogs. I didn't ask why because I just wanted something right away that was safe and would work last time mine had the big D- we ended up with some prescription stuff since it was complete liquid by that point. As has already been mentioned, there are also low residue foods you can get that won't be irritating to the system. Could Missy have gotten into anything that would have triggered this?

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I was told by our vet that they don't recommend immodium anymore for dogs. I didn't ask why...


I have been told that Immodium works by slowing the action of the gut, so it absorbs more of the water, thus leading to more solid poo. But it also slows the "vacating" of the culprit behind the diarrhea. This is the reason that many vets no longer recommend it, and the same reason I don't like to use on on myself if I can help it.

Edited by Sighthounds4me

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest Tenderhearts

Fasting for 24 hours (but allow plenty of water) will allow the gut to rest and then gradually introduce bland food like boiled hamburger or chicken and rice :)

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Guest chaoran22

Science Diet prescription I/D (can only get from a vet) also works well but it's basically lean beef cooked with rice I think so I think you'd be fine just giving her that instead of going into the vet and getting special food if it'd be too much trouble. Hope she feels better!

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This morning when I walked her she went liquid with a bit of blood in it..called vet. they said to not feed her for 24 hours, except water. I did give her some pepto as well. I think the blood was from straining to go. she hasnt gone since this morning..so I guess that is good. Vet is there until 5:30 if I want to bring her in today (for an extra charge). since she isnt worse, I think I will continue what I am doing (or not doing!) and she how she is by the morning. I am glad I am off this week!

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Guest BlackandBrindle

Blood in the stool is not as bad as it seems, unless the blood is dark/blackish which means it's coming from higher in the intestinal tract (rather than the anus- which would be bright red)


Fasting is good. As long as she seems otherwise ok, I don't think it merits an evet visit. If she's not going she's probably empty which is also a good thing.


Hope your baby girl starts feeling better soon!

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What we do with diarrhea cases here is two metamucil wafers, fast for 24 hours, then start on bland diet. First bowel movement following metamucil wafers will likely be orange and/or gelatinous. Subsequent poop should be firmer. Gradually reintroduce kibble/food/supplements.

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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Guest LindsaySF
Fasting for 24 hours (but allow plenty of water) will allow the gut to rest and then gradually introduce bland food like boiled hamburger or chicken and rice :)

I agree with this. :thumbs-up

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Greyhound Gang Medical - Diarrhea has lots of helpful information.


This information was very helpful! As well as using metamucil wafers: never heard of that before.


She last ate at 3:30 Saturday. It is now 5pm Sunday..should I feed her a little boiled meat or wait until morning? Thanks to everyone for the helpful information!

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