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Help With Diarrhea !


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We have two greyhounds. Since Friday night, one of them has had very bad, watery yellow diarrhea. Her diarrhea is mainly a problem at night, when we should be sleeping, not running out side every 2-3 hours. She is fed once a day, in the morning. She eats and drinks like usual. Now this morning our other greyhound had watery, yellow diarrhea. She also eats once a day, in the morning, and eats and drinks like usual. They both have energy and seem otherwise healthy. They have been eatting the same brand of food since we got them, we haven't changed anything. Should we take them to the vet or let it run it's course? Help

Edited by JDGREYTS
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Guest ProudGreyMom

I would suggest a few things. First off, if they both have diarrhea now then you may need to take samples and/or the dogs to the vet to check for any issues they might have. You can add some plain, canned pumpkin to their food to bind them up, and I would feed at least two meals a day.


Hope they feel better soon!

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It may be alittle hard to get a sample..not to be too graphic or disturbing, but it is like they are peeing out of their bumbs half the time. Since the other one started with diarrhea this morning, we are starting to think it's bad food. We will throw it out, but do we contact the company?

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Is it a new bag of food? If so, I would take it back to the store and explain the problem. They should offer you a refund.


What I would do at this point is not feed them for 24 hrs, except for a couple of spoonfuls of pumpkin. If they keep eating it will just keep coming out like it is now. Their tummies need a chance to heal and settle down - the best way to do that is to fast them for a day. Make sure they have water at all times and watch for signs of dehydration, that is a big concern with diarrhea.

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Guest ProudGreyMom

Ola's suggestion was a good one. Limit the food intake to only the pumpkin. Be sure they have fresh water but if they start vomiting for some reason, give water sparingly or pick up the bowls. As for the sample, you can still take in the runny stuff, as gross as it is.

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I would fast the dogs for 24-26 hours. No food at all, not even treats. Provide plenty of water, though.


As Ola said, the fasting gives the gut a chance to calm down and heal.


After the fast, boil lean hamburger or chicken, and some rice. (If you use hamburger, be sure you rinse well. I usually put in into a colander, and use the sink sprayer with HOT water). Feed this only for 24 hours, then gradually reintroduce kibble.


I agree, it's possible that you have a bad bag of food. I would contact the store where you bought it, and ask if they've had problems with this lot, and what their policy is in cases like this.


Also, taking a sample to the vet is not a bad idea. I understand that it might be difficult, but if you talk to the staff, they can probably give you an idea of how to do it, or maybe they'll ask you to bring the dogs in, and they have ways of making it happen...


Good luck!

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest Hollys2hounds

I completely agree with everyones' advice.


Fast,... re-introduce boiled burger / chicken with rice, and slowly add kibble back. BUT BE CAREFUL OF DEHYDRATION!


Both of my greys had the same experience last fall. My Gunner got very dehydrated, and it became a problem, so just make sure they are drinking water. (Gunner had to get fluids under the skin)....


I now always keep Pedialyte in the house for such occassions. I made ice cubes out of it, and my guys love to chew them. (The unflavored is a little salty and they love it!)


Best of luck!

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Just another opinion. What if it's not the food and it might be hookworm or something? My guy had hookworm and we took him to the vet to get tested. The only symptom I was aware of was the uncontrollable diahrea (we tried changing food and bland diet etc).

Edited by Missilesmom



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Guest beerdogs31

We had a similar issue last year and it turned out to be a bad batch of food as others have suggested (3 of our dogs having tummy problems, yuck). In our case, we were out of town when the pet sitter opened a new bag of food and she didn't notice it smelled a little off. We took the food back to the store and told them what happened and they replaced it free of charge and the upset tummys went away quickly with some fasting and a fresh bag of food.

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Just another opinion. What if it's not the food and it might be hookworm or something? My guy had hookworm and we took him to the vet to get tested. The only symptom I was aware of was the uncontrollable diahrea (we tried changing food and bland diet etc).

Agreed. Take a sample into your vet. Carolina started the samething and a few days later Jake had it. They both had hookworms. It's better to rule things out.



Carolina (R and A Carolina) & Rebel (FA Ready).
At the bridge: Kira (Driven by Energy) 7/19/97 - 6/17/04 & Jake (Jumpstart Dude) 9/12/00 - 1/24/15

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It may be alittle hard to get a sample..not to be too graphic or disturbing, but it is like they are peeing out of their bumbs half the time. Since the other one started with diarrhea this morning, we are starting to think it's bad food. We will throw it out, but do we contact the company?


Yikes - yes, indeed. I would get a sample, and talk to the vet, but they'll probably tell you to fast the dog for 24 hours, giving plenty of clean fresh water during that time, and gradually re-introduce very small quantities of very bland food. My vet usually suggests chicken and plain boiled rice. If there is no improvement within that time you'll need further investigation.


How to get a sample? Ask the vet for a clean syringe, and suck it up and pop into a ziplock, c/w syringe.


I agree too, it's possible it's the food, though normally I'd expect them both to start having diarrhoea at the same time if it was that. When we started a new bag of Autarky recently both dogs suddenly got diarrhoea. I stopped feeding it and they stopped having the runs. :( It wasn't liquid and yellow though, just runny.


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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