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This One Is Coming Out Of Mabel's Allowance!

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Just back from 2.5 hours at the vet - luckily got in before they closed for the day.


Mabel is usually crated when we go out. I left her out today for 20 minutes while I went to pick up my son from school.


I came back to find a chewed open bottle of 100mg Rimadyl tablets (and the cap is nowhere to be found - oh just found it, phew!).


The Rimadyl is left over from Daisy, and since we haven't used it months, I forgot it was in a lower cabinet - which I had inadvertently left open a crack. This was originally a bottle of 180 tablets, and still had 30-50 tablets in it.


So judging by how many are left I would say they got 15 tablets at the maximum.


Call to the vet, call to poison control, and in we go to the vet.


Now we are back home after inducing vomiting, a dose of activated charcoal and some medications for the next few days.


I'm sure Mabel got it open, but it seems from the vomit evidence that Bubba actually ate more of them - thank goodness, since he outweighs her by 25 pounds!


So - everyone check your cabinets and drawers and make sure everything remotely dangerous is out of reach.


And this one day after Bubba's bad reaction to ACE (luckily no vet visit required for that one - he just needed time to get it out of his system!)


Mabel just turned two - in case I ever needed a reminder not to bring home a REAL puppy!!!!!

Edited by 2fawngreys


Karen with Tessye (galgo b 2017), Fidel (galgo b c2012), and bridge kids Dublin (J's Texmex 1996-12/31/01), Daisy (Assurance 8/8/95-9/26/07),  Bubba (Kelsos Irony b 5/99-8/19/10), and Mabel (Googly Spin  1/06-11/19)



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Guest mom2maddiebug

Wow... hope they get it all out of their system. :( Thankfully all of our cabinets are childproofed.. we have a 3 year old. LOL. I may just keep them that way forever...


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Well, they are exhibiting no ill effects. I got a call from the vet that the bloodwork he did last night looks good, so we will follow up with a fresh blood draw on Monday to make sure nothing is happening we can't see.


I will call myself lucky, and wonder why I thought I didn't need to worry about childproofing now that my son is six!


Darn landshark!


Karen with Tessye (galgo b 2017), Fidel (galgo b c2012), and bridge kids Dublin (J's Texmex 1996-12/31/01), Daisy (Assurance 8/8/95-9/26/07),  Bubba (Kelsos Irony b 5/99-8/19/10), and Mabel (Googly Spin  1/06-11/19)



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Guest tricolorhounds

Oh my... how frightening. I'm glad you were able to get them to the vet in time.



Back in November, my friends foster dog got into a box of meds that were packaged up and ready to be shipped to Scooby in Spain. They were only out for a short time... had forgotten that the box was buried in the spare bedroom... wound up taking all 6, their 5 and the foster to the vet. The foster had eaten a whole bottle of Derrmaxx. They lost her a week later to liver failure.

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Guest greyt2love

So glad everyone is okay !! Right after New Year's, I left Caesar's closed pill container on the kitchen table. Came back downstairs and found the chewed container at the bottom of the steps and no idea who did it - Chloe, the 52 pound grey, or one, or both, of the little bit Yorkies. Phenobarbital and potassium bromide caps. No idea which dogs may have taken them or how many. I did find some of the pheno tabs and was able to account for all the pb caps. Phoned vet, induced vomiting ( 3 dogs - yuck !!), close monitoring, and thank goodness, no ill effects to any of them. Now I am SURE to put the meds back on top of the fridge - in a locking container - before I go out of the kitchen at pill time. It's so scary....Again, thank goodness all of yours are okay!!

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So glad Mabel & Bubba are OK! I know exactly how scary it is - once, over a year ago, my 3 got into my full bottle of blood pressure medicine. I had just filled the prescription, and put it on my desk (just for a couple of minutes :blush ) - well, a couple of minutes was too long. I came back from the other room & found the empty chewed up bottle on the floor. I totally freaked out & started pouring peroxide down their throats - called the vet in a frenzy - drove them over (Stephanie puked in the car right on top of my pocketbook - I had to scrape the vomit up so we could go through it to look for pills :sick ). At the vet, they got all 3 of them to vomit a couple of times, and I had to stay home from work that day to monitor them. Thank God they were all ok. I learned my lesson VERY well, and keep all meds either in the bathroom medicine cabinet over the sink, or in my top dresser drawer.

Maryann, Bama (TW Beltram), Stephanie (Tom's Stepinhi) & Henderson the Cardigan Welsh Corgi

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How scarey! I'm so glad everyone is ok. I know how quickly they can get into mischief!

Cosmo (Fuzz Face Cosmos), Holmes (He's a Dream), Boomer (USS Baby Boomer), Ella and missing our angels Clay (Red Clay), Train (Nite Train), Trip (Bock's Teddy Bear),Larry (Bohemian Frigid) and Jimmy (Bohemian Raw)
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