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Could Use Some Advice...

Guest HeatherDemps

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Guest HeatherDemps

Several times today, when Dempsey has tried to move from a lying down position to sitting up, he has started yelping really loudly. We have noticed some muscles in his chest and neck, etc quivering, so I think it could be muscle tension from him having to more heavily use those muscles. Tonight, I tried massaging him some, but I'm not sure if it is helping and I also am afraid of hurting him. Anyone have any advice on what to do? When I've taken him out the last few times, he seems more stiff when trying to get around.

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Guest vahoundlover

I have no experience, but it does sound like he his tight and sore...Did you try doing a search for message on here? Seems to me another GTer recently posted about messaging their amputee.

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It could be simple muscle cramps - in which case massage should help - but it could also be that the muscles are 'guarding' an injury or a damaged disc. I'd get him looked at if massage doesn't help pretty instantly.


To massage, use the flat of your hands, and gently but firmly rub them down/along the muscle in the direction of the hair using a rhythmic motion. If you feel more confident, you can use a circular motion. If you've ever given anyone a neck rub, you'll know the way to do it.


If he's not comfortable with you doing that, then chances are it's more than spasm and he should be seen. JMHO.


Mine get spasms from time to time. If we're out, Renie (the Princess) will give the GSOD and gracefully sink to the ground. Sometimes she'll roll right over onto her side, quite the little drama queen. :lol


Jack gets very tight across the base of the neck and behind his shoulders. A gentle massage will free him up nicely. :)


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Guest Jessbooch

Bugsy has had exactly what you are describing for the last 48 hours. In her case the vet believes it is the symptoms of late lyme disease - severe joint pain. The muscle tremors she gets in her neck, which look almost like shivering, let us know just how bad of pain she is in. We titrate very heavy painkillers to ensure there is no trembling; if the shakes come back, she gets another injection of meds right away. Still there is the occasional yelp when she has to get up or lay down. Take your pupper to the vet and get an evaluation to make sure your dog isn't feeling more than just muscle cramps!

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Guest HeatherDemps

The surgeon just called this morning to check up on Dempsey and he said that this is not unusual. I think that Dempsey may have been overdoing the activity the first two days because of having to go outside and pee so much. He only screamed once during the night. His muscles weren't quivering, so I don't know if he wasn't fully awake and sort of "forgot" he didn't have that leg. He has gotten up a couple of times today without yelping, so hopefully the massaging is helping.

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Guest Jessbooch
The surgeon just called this morning to check up on Dempsey and he said that this is not unusual. I think that Dempsey may have been overdoing the activity the first two days because of having to go outside and pee so much. He only screamed once during the night. His muscles weren't quivering, so I don't know if he wasn't fully awake and sort of "forgot" he didn't have that leg. He has gotten up a couple of times today without yelping, so hopefully the massaging is helping.


Oh!! :blush I didn't realize Dempsey had just had surgery! Makes sense to me then, probably post-surgical pain from doing too much too soon.

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Guest HeatherDemps

Yep- he had his front leg amputated on Wednesday. He'll be 12 in March, so I think recovery may take a wee bit longer than with younger ones. Although, he's been surprising us so far!


The surgeon just called this morning to check up on Dempsey and he said that this is not unusual. I think that Dempsey may have been overdoing the activity the first two days because of having to go outside and pee so much. He only screamed once during the night. His muscles weren't quivering, so I don't know if he wasn't fully awake and sort of "forgot" he didn't have that leg. He has gotten up a couple of times today without yelping, so hopefully the massaging is helping.


Oh!! :blush I didn't realize Dempsey had just had surgery! Makes sense to me then, probably post-surgical pain from doing too much too soon.


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