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Ss Fun


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We had so much fun with our SS presents this year. This is our second year to participate and I was wondering how it goes at your house. Each of my greys got their own packages and my two nongreys shared a package. Its like they can tell its for them. Mikee got his package first. I called him over and he sniffed and poked at the box. He checked everything out and is really liking the dental bones. I'm hiding his stuffies until he feels better. His brothers want to desqueak everything. Aisha and Hercules got their box next and were thrilled with everything. The stuffies were confiscated until they were shown the treats. Everybody including Mikee sat for their treats. We were tickled with the kittie presents since we just got two 5 month old kittens to fill the hole left by the loss of a 15 and 18 year old. The toys were a big hit and have been good for quite a few laughs. Stosh was next to get his box. His big nose was right there helping to examine the contents. I was amazed to see him take each toy and charge off to the next room and toss it around and pounce on it. This is the most excited he's been in the almost 2 yrs he's lived with me. Their personalities just keep evolving. Anyway we had so much fun with our pressies I'm thinking of taking some stuffies and boxing them up and once a month we have present day. It would be interesting to see if they are just as excited every time. What do you think ?

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Try washing some favorite toys and see if you have a very sad dog watching said toys go in the washer and a head in your dryer pulling it out when done :lol:

2 toys get this reaction out of Ryan.


SS gifts. I usually don't participate on GT since I spend my time making sure it goes as planned. But I do participate on another board. Last year J and R got separate packages. This year since at the time, we were unsure if Ryan would still be with us at Christmas, I put them both on the same entry and played on the GT SS (even though I knew who had us).

Toys included in packages are quickly taken away and put through quality control by the dogs, then they come back looking for more.

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Guest PhillyPups

I enjoy SS, my package mailman knows me so well, he came into my office one day and said "you'd better tell them you changed jobs" with a package addressed to me at my old firm. :lol:lol He knows if it is dog related and has Pat to bring it to me, he also got misty eyed when I told him I lost the Queen.


I was gonna slamdunk the shops Saturday the 8th of December (yeah I know Trudy, that is pushing to the time line, but life happens and I got busy, and the furthest away from me was North Carolina, so I figured I was safe. :lol ) and get all the fun stuff to pack a box, however, with the drastic change my life had on the 5th, I decided collars instead, and wow did I ever screw up that order, thanks Alisha for straightening me out!!


Opening the packages was such fun, I actually have an audience of the whole pack cause they are like the Three Muskateers, All for One part anyway (all for just ME?? was the Queen's mentality). And this year, how touching to open the beautiful things picked out with such love for the Queen, it was so bittersweet. Thank you Susan :kiss2


My pups love when I come in with packages, as they know they are usually for them... :lol

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SS has been great fun! I had a wonderful time shopping for my hound. They've received it but I don't think they've opened as we haven't heard anything. Our package is on it's way and will be here soon I'm sure. So, I've been living SS vicariously through all the fun posts. I have 5 but only signed up the newest addition. Next year I will do them all, probably in two 'tickets'.


I have loved everyone's pictures and enjoyed all the poetic EEs

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Guest greyhound1

This is my first year with SS. It is so much fun. With Brenda's first package she was so excited. We waiting on her other. I really enjoyed buying for other people furbabies. Thanks Trudy for all the work that went into making this for us.

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I Love Secret Santa...


This will be our 3rd yr i believe. maybe i've lost count. Betsy knows the boxes are for her. This is pipers 2nd yr, and she is a lil selfish. she'd rather just make sure she is in the middle of whatever is going on so betsy doesnt get more then her.


Funny how the whole family gets into it as well. we all get excited, and just this friday the UPS guy tracked us down at my brothers to make sure we got our box. (small town, and he knows the family)


Now the ppl at dialysis sat there and watched me pack up the boxes to get ready and send them off. They all thought i was a lil nutts, maybe i'am, but i love to celebrate life, and the ppl/pets in it.

The Fruitloop crew: Piper, Bloomer, Sirius Black the kitty cat, Goober, .....Insane human crew: Nikki, Chuckles, Jakob (ds), Naomi baby girl........... and Our Angel babies,, Betsy (Betsy Kiss), Momma Cat, Blue Fish, and Georgie the g-pig.

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Guest charmsmom

This was our first year, and we had a GREYT time! My hounds got SO spoiled by their SS. We, of course, opened the packages as soon as they came in. :lol Call it the Twelve Days of Christmas. :reindeer We truly enjoyed it and plan to do it again next year. :)

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From experience, not having a cut off date or using a realistic one leads to way too many packages not showing up before Christmas.


We know people will not send packages out before the date we put in the information, so we put it early enough so that most will get them shipped out with enough time for them to show up at their destination because they get tired of the reminder emails from the system.

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I enjoy SS, especially readng the fun posts and seeing everyone's happy photos. The only downside is losing my fingernails, anxiously awaiting my receipient's confirmation. It went to a PO Box so I know it's not out in the snow somewhere.

[gallery_4177_3286_2416.jpg Neighbor Mike

Inspired by Beloved Angels Danny & Mick

Custom Quilted Coats, Wallhangings & MORE

"From there to here, From here to there, Funny things are everywhere.

Especially with a greyhound in your life!

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