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Licking The Hair Off The Back Of Her Legs And Dry Skin?


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:unsure I just kind of noticed how bald Adora is getting on the backs of both legs. Now she had some heair missing to begin with when I adopted her over 3 weeks ago but I think she's losing more and I have noticed that the flakies are not gone even though each night she gets 2 Salmon oil capsules squeezed onto her food. Plus she eats Eagle Pack dry food and gets a tbsp of the wet over it each night also.


So what could be causing it? stress? dry skin? if so what can I give her to help relieve the itchies I guess?? :unsure

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I wouldn't worry about it yet. It's likely that she is shedding her "track coat," and that'll make her temporarily bald.


What I mean by track coat is this: Because Greys are fed a very high protein diet for muscle building on the track, their coats are rough. Fuzzy, dry, and generally not in good condition. As they get a lower protien, higher fat food in a pet home, their coat will improve. But they need to shed the old stuff first...

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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It may simply be "bald thigh syndrome" (BTS, or "Bald Butt Syndrome" or "shiney hiney"); greys seem to have this issue with hair on some parts of the body. Minerva and Dash have symmetrical bald spots on their butts that come and go. Coco has lush fauna on the posterior, but two oval patches on the lateral aspect of the thighs.


The hair will eventually improve in your hound with a combination of cushy environs, an improved diet, and several hours of mudging for love every day. Your vet, if inexperienced with greys, will insist on a thyroid panel which is probably unnecessary unless there are other symptoms. Even then, the thyroid interpretation should be performed by either Michigan State or by Hemopet.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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:colgate WHEW! glad it's not anything I should have been doing or she might be having some psychological issue. So the 2 capsules of fish oil is enough? I'm just concerned that she might be allergic to the food or something but afraid too to rock the boat unnecessarily. Yes I have a type A personality :P
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Guest greytelectric
:colgate WHEW! glad it's not anything I should have been doing or she might be having some psychological issue. So the 2 capsules of fish oil is enough? I'm just concerned that she might be allergic to the food or something but afraid too to rock the boat unnecessarily. Yes I have a type A personality :P

Just give it more time - it's only been 3 weeks. The salmon oil will help, but I actually switched to plain old olive oil which is working just as well and is less expensive. I just sprinkle it on his food in the evening and the flakies are gone. He has a gorgeous coat. Good luck.

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