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What Is The Deal With This?

Guest charmsmom

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Guest dauphinelaura

It's a totally excited reaction. When Oni is happy her jaw quivers and when she's REALLY excited she'll do the happy snappy and jump all over the house. Tell them that your dog is just happy to see them!

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Guest FordRacingRon

The first grey I was ever formally introduced to at a meet and greet did that ,,Sadie Rose. Her parents told me it was because she was happily excited,,she liked the attention she got from strangers at M & Gs.

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Our bridge angel Simon developed this toward the end of her life. Like you, I thought it was merely weakness, as it often happened when we were out walking, and she had lost a lot of muscle tone with her chronic arthritis.


I finally checked with the vet just to be safe. The vet told me she suspected a neurological problem, that it was *not* normal. She also tested Simon's thyroid, and it was low, so we began thyroid meds, in hopes the tremor was simply caused by low-thyroid.


But the vet warned me that both the tremor and the low thyroid (Simon was 11) could be due to a neurological problem.


About 10 days after starting thyroid meds, Simon met me at the door when I came home, wobbling a bit. I carried her downstairs and set her down gently outside. And she pitched forward, her front legs and at least 1 hind leg totally useless. We ended up putting her to sleep later that afternoon, Simon having made it clear she was *not* pleased with being poked and prodded, and our knowing she would not want to stay at the vet's for more of that without us, considering the poor prognosis.


So I'm not trying to scare you, but I do wish I had realized sooner that the tremor was not some sort of non-issue like weakness. I hope you can get to the bottom of the problem.


The vet was never positive what caused it, but she mentioned things like brain tumor or other neurological problems.

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Well, I know it's not cold because she did it when it was 95 degrees outside. It could be nerves...I've only had her a couple of weeks and her previous owners mentioned she was shy, but that wouldn't explain why she does it when it's just us at the house. I guess she would do it for excitement OR nerves...?


Batman would do it when it was getting closed to (meaning, maybe two hours before :lol) supper time. He'd be hanging out in front of his window, I'd look at him, he'd look at me, and he'd start chattering lightly.


It really isn't a big deal. Just something they do. Excited, anticipating, or just happy like dauphinelaura's pup.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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well, seven isn't old...and I've never heard of that being an age related thing. I mean, she really could be nervous, or she really could be cold or she really could be excited...or maybe it's just a calming thing that she does...like some dogs will lick their forearms...


how long have you had her? has she always done it?


Well, I know it's not cold because she did it when it was 95 degrees outside. It could be nerves...I've only had her a couple of weeks and her previous owners mentioned she was shy, but that wouldn't explain why she does it when it's just us at the house. I guess she would do it for excitement OR nerves...?


It's most likely to be just nervousness or excitement - Renie does it a lot, whenever she's happy or excited, some do it when they see prey, some do it through nervousness - but there is one thing you should check out before you write it off as just that.


If she has a sore tooth, that could well make her chatter her teeth each time she closes her mouth and makes contact with it against another tooth. If you've only had her a few weeks, I'd advise that you let your vet check her mouth to make sure her teeth are AOK. :)


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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PS: This tremor in Simon's jaw was different from excited/happy chattering, and Simon had never really done the happy-chatter thing. I'd also never known her to tremble from nervousness, either. We did also see the tremor in her hindquarters toward the end, but the lower jaw was where we saw if first and most frequently.

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A question for you: Is this a new behavior? If she's done it all her life, I'd be less concerned.


Edited to add--oh, I just saw your post saying you haven't had her long. You might ask the former owners about the tremor if you can talk to them.

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Guest charmsmom
If she has a sore tooth, that could well make her chatter her teeth each time she closes her mouth and makes contact with it against another tooth. If you've only had her a few weeks, I'd advise that you let your vet check her mouth to make sure her teeth are AOK. :)


She had her dental two weeks ago. They pulled 8 and scaled the rest, so I doubt it's her teeth.



A question for you: Is this a new behavior? If she's done it all her life, I'd be less concerned.


Edited to add--oh, I just saw your post saying you haven't had her long. You might ask the former owners about the tremor if you can talk to them.


That's a greyt idea! I do have their contact info, but I've been having some not-greyt response time from them, if any. I'll give them a shot. It's very cute, so I hope it's not a neuro problem!








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My two both do it at different times. It is usually happiness in Bailey and contentment. For Snickers it usually is excitement.

Lynn mom to:Roper(Roper is Here),Josie the Australian Cattle Dog mix, Lacey the Corgi mix, Allie the cat and 2 skin kids and at the bridge Bailey (AA's Bailey), Snickers(Jax Snickers) , Sabrina the Collie and Sadie the Border Collie mix.

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Our Pablo does it too. For him, it's not an excitement thing... he does it randomly.


Turbo, too. I'll see it every now and again, after a yawn, usually. The only time he chatters is when he first wakes up and stretches.

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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