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Urgh! Licking And Sratching Constantly!

Guest carolyn

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Guest carolyn

I do not know what to do for Waggin. She developed itchy, flaky skin in June. We took her to the vet. They gave her a dog antihistamine. We switched her food to California Wellness in late July - it's just got lamb, rice & sunflower oil. We wipe off her paws and belly when she comes inside.


She was doing great until Monday of this week. Then she started scratching, biting and licking herself again. She is really uncomfortable and the antihistamine doesn't give her much relief. I don't know what to do. Do I change her food again???

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It's going in spurts here too. Mizzy is on Tavist and benedryl daily and on really bad days I give her a little pred. I am on Allegra 180 and have had to take benedryl at night several nights this past week.


I don't think I'd change food if she is doing well on it just yet. You might ask the vet if a short term, low dose pred is in order.


I've tried 4 or 5 foods with Mizzy and she appears to be best on BilJac frozen. Even so, she's still on all the meds.....


as a p.s.: I've got them on fish oil caps and Mizzy is on cod liver oil too. You might try the fish oil at 5 or 6 a day and see if it helps.

Edited by Burpdog

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Guest carolyn

how much benedryl do you give at a time, Burpdog? I've been giving her one every 5 to 6 hours b/c it knocks her out. Maybe I should up the dose.

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Guest taylorsmom

Is ragweed pollen an issue where you live? My allergic Lab Lucy has been an itchy scratchy girl since early September, we are in the height of ragweed season here. Can you get her allergy tested so you don't go crazy with the foods?

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Guest IndysDad
Is ragweed pollen an issue where you live? My allergic Lab Lucy has been an itchy scratchy girl since early September, we are in the height of ragweed season here. Can you get her allergy tested so you don't go crazy with the foods?


I'd second the allergy testing; Indy is/was having hot spots on his rear legs and chewing on him self...after a few non sucessful trips to the dermatologist, I had my vet run a Heska test and it turned out Indy is allergic to grass pollen :blink: , cats :o , dust mites :o , and ragweed <_< .......He's now on allergy shots and we're making progress with his hot spots/chewing.


IMHO, a Heska or another type of allergy testing is in a long term, less expensive than constsntly changing food and the pupper can get relief from whatever is causing their discomfort.


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Guest IGmom4now

Hey, my Presto had a lot of dermatitis, itchy flaky skin, dandruff, red places from scratching, etc. I gave him benadryl for a couple of weeks, I had already started the Grizzly Salmon oil, then when I went to my local independently-owned pet shop, the owner noticed it and said "you have to treat ths kind of thing internally and externally too". So she passed along something that had helped one of her dogs it's called "Oatmeal Pet Spray" by Kenic. A couple of applications rubbed into the coat/skin and Presto is completely better. If he makes like he's going to scratch, I spray him again.

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Guest alannamac

This is an annual event for Bandit too (currently on antihistamines) it's been a cycle every fall for the past 5 years. The vet always puts him on steroids for a few weeks (one shot followed by daily pills), followed by the antihistamines for as long as the trouble lasts. The cortisone (prednisone) shot works wonders in bringing instant relief to Bandit.....you might want to ask your vet if this would help for your pup. (warning though...the pred causes increased thirst and urination.....as in they've gotta' go really bad......so you've got to make sure there's no ultra long time spans with no pee breaks or there'll be accidents)

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There are different antihistamines that you can use - check with your vet. Like with people, not all meds work for all dogs (I'm allergic to ragweed and have only found one that works well on my symptoms). From what I've read, Benadryl, although very commonly used for dogs, is not that effective.


I'm guessing you've eliminated things like cleaners, detergents, scented things in the house that could be triggering it? What about lawn treatments? Not necessarily yours, could be that your neighbours use it or the city at parks, etc.


I hope Waggin feels better soon!

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Guest ProudGreyMom

My beagle used to have horrible seasonal allergies. The vet would give him a shot for immediate relief which would slow down on the scratching and foot chewing, and then I would use medication for him during allergy season. Its tough to totally get under control especially if you live in an area loaded with seasonal pollen. For Andy now I use Benadryl and that helps a lot.

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Guest carolyn

Well, we've discovered the source of the itching. FLEAS!!!! :angry:


We ALMOST made it through the heat without a flea infestitation -- dang it!! Thankfully, the cats haven't gotten them yet. Waggin has been bathed, combed, frontlined & capstarred. Her bedding and toys have been washed. Have I mentioned how much I hate fleas?


At least we know the culprit. Thanks to everyone for their replies/suggestions.

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There needs to be a time period between the bath and the Frontline application, so that it works correctly. I can't recall what it is off the top of my head (I wanna say 2 days), but perhaps someone else can chime in. Hopefully you didn't do them too close together and it will work.

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Carolyn - glad you figured it out. My Merlin has been chewing and scratching for two weeks and we can't figure out what it is. We found a flea on him about two weeks ago, and washed everything and did a complete body search and found NOTHING. We put Frontline on him every 4 weeks, just applied some more. I don't think it works that well, I have a friend who suggested Buck Mountain's Herbal Gold powder and we're going to try that too. Has anyone else used this? Not sure what to do about the itching though. Could it be just that the humidity levels have gone down considerably of late? Merlin has dry, itchy & flaky skin to start off with, and an allergy to fleas.


Any suggestions would be gratefully received.. :unsure




Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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