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Hello From Pa

Guest hockeygoonie

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Guest hockeygoonie

Hi, we are from South Williamsport PA and the DH has finally said yes to a greyhound! My daughter and I have been haunting m & g in our area for almost 2 years. On her 8th birthday we sent her and her friends on a scavenger hunt. Each clue they found was a number which corresponded to a letter in the alphabet. It eventually spelled FATHER. Daddy handed her the present which had a piece of paper attached to it that said "Daddy said yes!" In side was a matching martingale and leash from Trendy Hounds. That was Sept. 9th and I am pretty sure the smile has not come off of her face.


My name is Mindy and I am currently in my last year of nursing school(RN) after being an athletic trainer in a local high school for 12 years. My husband Stan is now the athletic trainer at the same school. My daughter Ally saved all $200 of the adoption fee by herself and she has a crazy 5 year old brother named Connor. We have a 12 year old kitty named Tweeter who will have some adjusting to do when we get our new guy Fred in October. We are absolutely thrilled to be finally getting our grey and would love to share his handsome photo with you ( I know I will get "yelled" at for pics if I don't post them!).


I have been visiting this site for some time now and am impressed with the funny, compassionate, and supportive comments I read here. I am excited about joining your family. I may have introduced myself before, but my memory cells are limited at this point from all of the studying!



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Guest SkinnyLegDogLover

Welcome! Your daughter is quite a girl to save the adoption fee herself, and what a cool way to break the good news!

I hope you all have lots of fun with Fred, can't wait to hear more about him and see more pics. He's very handsome!

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Guest needlenoselover

Congrats on Fred!! I hope he makes your daughter as happy as my 2 GHs make my 3 kids!!! And the whole family for that matter!


More pics when you bring him home please!

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Guest bowiebears

Welcome to GT!


And a big hearty Welcome to the arriving new boy, Fred! he's very handsome!


All the best from the MD 'burbs of DC, although I'm originally from lancaster Co., PA.



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Welcome and congrats. The days must feel like forever waiting for your beautiful boy.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Guest onlymrsp

Sir Dexter of PA, Coaster & Ginger all add their congrats too!! Mindy, we've known you for a very long time. You and your family will make Greyt members to Fred's life. At the meet & greets, public functions and "private visits" with us, you and your kids have what it takes to bring happiness to this deserving pup's life. Yeah, the wait will be rough, but know that we are here to make the time fly by quickly. Welcome to the Nittany Family too. You make good cookies for the doggies, keep it up......




P.S----I'll post a pic of Allie and Coaster later :rolleyes:

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Guest hamiesmom

A big, warm hello from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. "Fred" is a gorgeous looking boy. Your family will enjoy him very much. Kudos to your daughter for saving the money for his adoption fee. We have a 9yr old greyhound and a 10yr old cat, who tolerate one another, however, the cat does rule the house.

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Hi and Welcome from another Pennsylvania girl....from Pittsburgh area!!!!! I went to college at Penn State and know where Williamsport is.......actually I think I was at the Lycoming Mall once too when visiting a friend there...


Anyway..........Congrats on your new baby and enjoy the ride!!!!!! It is the best one ever.....but I am bias!!!



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Welcome to you, your family and Fred!!!


I bet your daughter is totally psyched! I had to wait until I was 15 before my parents let me get our first dog. She sounds like a very responsible gal.

Jennifer and Beamish (an unnamed Irish-born Racer) DOB: October 30, 2011


Forever and always missing my "Vowels", Icarus, Atlas, Orion, Uber, and Miss Echo, and Mojito.

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Guest hockeygoonie

I was so excited to receive so many warm hellos from everyone! I lived in Germany for five years as a high school student( dad in Air Force) so hello to my German friend. Someone mentioned my screen name and it is for my favorite sport and all time favorite movie! Is there really another movie as great as "Goonies?" And how cool is it that someone here has met my new boy to be Fred!?! We can not wait to get him, but arranging transport might make the wait until late October. I would love to hear more about him if the one who volunteers at his shelter would like to tell me about him. I forgot to write down your screenname. Thanks again for all the warm welcomes and I can't wait to get to know everyone! And here is a picture of my little money saver, Ally and her crazy brother Connor!



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Guest onlymrsp

We finally found that picture that I was looking for. Ally was there with her mom & brother attending our Nittany Pet Fair. She asked to walk my puppers and here is proof positive of that smile her mom wrote about:




So, what do ya think? Next generation Grey-Aholic?????

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:welcome2 Your daughter is a very smart young lady and I hope she has lots of HAPPINESS with the rest of the family! Congratulations!!!!!

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Guest greysmomma
Hi, we are from South Williamsport PA and the DH has finally said yes to a greyhound! My daughter and I have been haunting m & g in our area for almost 2 years. On her 8th birthday we sent her and her friends on a scavenger hunt. Each clue they found was a number which corresponded to a letter in the alphabet. It eventually spelled FATHER. Daddy handed her the present which had a piece of paper attached to it that said "Daddy said yes!" In side was a matching martingale and leash from Trendy Hounds. That was Sept. 9th and I am pretty sure the smile has not come off of her face.


My name is Mindy and I am currently in my last year of nursing school(RN) after being an athletic trainer in a local high school for 12 years. My husband Stan is now the athletic trainer at the same school. My daughter Ally saved all $200 of the adoption fee by herself and she has a crazy 5 year old brother named Connor. We have a 12 year old kitty named Tweeter who will have some adjusting to do when we get our new guy Fred in October. We are absolutely thrilled to be finally getting our grey and would love to share his handsome photo with you ( I know I will get "yelled" at for pics if I don't post them!).


I have been visiting this site for some time now and am impressed with the funny, compassionate, and supportive comments I read here. I am excited about joining your family. I may have introduced myself before, but my memory cells are limited at this point from all of the studying!





Hi Mindy!!!! I am Marla from Woolrich Pa and we met at the Nittany picnic yesterday! Look forward to seeing you on your rotation and let me know how the adoption goes!



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