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Open Sore On The Back Foot Pad.


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My Rascal had a tendon release surgery last month. It was a success~and has given him the movement he needs in his foot to walk without pain,,,, this is after a tendon reconstruction last year! There are several posts on Rascal if you want to read about him and his recovery!


Well, after the tendon release, he now walks on his foot pretty well, however he has developed a sore place on the pad, that at first looked like a bad Blister, and then it opened up to an open round sore where now the black pad "skin" is completely gone (on about 1/4 of the pad. ) it has been open and bleeding for almost 3 weeks. I have kept it clean, and wrapped and it isn't showing any signs of healing or closing up.


And now, after his foot has been wrapped all this time, he has sores between his toes where they are rubbing together. so, I went to a bootie that I lined with non-stick bandage, the bootie is big enough for his foot to spread some, and hopefully dry between the toes and heal the sores....... this however does not give much cushion on the bottom of his foot where the open sore is on the pad.


I'm really worried about the pad that has the open sore. Will this ever close up and callous over ??????

I've heard that the pad "skin" is different than the other skin on the foot, and that it sometimes doesn't grow that pad skin again???


oh, i hope this makes sense :blush and if anyone has suggestions other than toe amputation :eek ,, i'd love to hear them!


I thank you,, and Rascal thanks you too!

also, he does have an apt. next week, it's the first avail. apt with his surgeon.

Edited by 3DogNite

lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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Guest taylorsmom

Can you try liquid bandage on the sore to keep it protected and dry as it heals? I have used a product called Medi-Styp, made for animals, that works like human liquid bandage but without the sting. Hope that helps poor Rascal!

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Have you tried EMT Gel? You can get it on Omahavaccine.com. It works wonders.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Have you tried EMT Gel? You can get it on Omahavaccine.com. It works wonders.



I have EMT gel. but I think it really stings? The other one, Medi-Stype? if it doesn't sting,, i'll search it out and get some!!


lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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That is one of the hardest placest to heal, it takes a really long time as well. We used Nolvsan cream to help here, you need to keep it a bit moist but not too much. Covering it doesn't help much.

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Have you tried EMT Gel? You can get it on Omahavaccine.com. It works wonders.



I have EMT gel. but I think it really stings? The other one, Medi-Stype? if it doesn't sting,, i'll search it out and get some!!



You're thinking of NewSkin/liquid bandage stuff made by BandAid. EMT doesn't sting.


Have you tried water therapy?

Edited by turbotaina

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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Guest VelvetEars

During the first few weeks of Jane's stroke recovery, she was scraped and bleeding all over her paws and legs because she was knuckling under and losing her balance all the time. I put about 2 oz of aloe gel in a travel shampoo bottle and added about 20 d of lavender essential oil (shake to mix). I put this on her cuts several times/day and didn't bandage them. It really helped them heal nicely.


You can get aloe at Walmart. The lavender can be obtained at some health food or whole food stores, or if you have a Hobby Lobby nearby, check their soap-making department. They're carrying a few essential oils now - Lavender, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, and Patchouli, if I recall correctly. The lavender can also be applied "neat" (undiluted) to the wound - just a drop, and ingesting it won't harm him. Jane didn't bother licking anything I put the lavender on.


Lavender is also great for taking the itch out of mosquito bites - it doesn't sting like other stuff. My kids ask for it now.


Lavender is antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, and has a host of other properties, including helping to speed healing. it's a permanent part of our home first aid kit now.

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I sprayed on the EMT Spray,, i thought i had the EMT gel,, but no,, I hope this is essentially the same thing?!

the sore looks coated and shinny, but dry to the touch. The bootie will go on next, and then we'll see how it looks tomorrow.


Thanks for all of your help!



lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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Yes, i think the spray is pretty much the same thing as the gel.


Try running water over the wound for a few minutes each day a couple of times a day (say 5 minutes x 2). This can really work wonders.


Good luck!

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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Yes, i think the spray is pretty much the same thing as the gel.


Try running water over the wound for a few minutes each day a couple of times a day (say 5 minutes x 2). This can really work wonders.


Good luck!



Thanks,, i have hear the wonders of water therapy.. hear on GreyTalk,,, i'll try it!

lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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