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Photo Of Corns On The Foot?

Guest DoofBert

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~Beth, with a crazy mixed crew of misfits.
~ Forever and Always missing and loving Steak, Carmen, Ivy, Isis, and Madi.
Don't cry because it's ended, Smile because it happened.
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Guest DoofBert
So if they get this, do they have to get them removed? Is it painful for them?


Yes, the corns get removed ..... and, just like for us, the corns must be painful.


Many folks on GT have experience with corns on their greys.... and have managed them successfully.


I'm struggling with my Sir D (see othe topic) not sure if we are dealing with corn or not.


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Sully this past year has developed a corn. It's been hulled regularly. Does the corn hurt? Heck yes! What amazes me is how HARD the corn is when removed... it's like a pebble. Imagine walking with a stone in your shoe: in one of the spots that makes the most contact with the ground! OUCH!


even though it's a bit tender after hulling, the limping is greatly reduced, and in a couple days, gone. Until the corn comes back... :angry: (then.. repeat process...)

In vino veritas
Rachael with Rook, missing Sully, Sebau, and Diesel

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