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Making Connections

Guest TheRisingStar

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Guest TheRisingStar

Hi everyone,

I'm new on this forum and it amazes me how many members are here. I've recently written a novel (targeting middle grade readers, 39K words) about a racetrack Greyhound looking for a new home. This novel promotes the idea of stopping the racetrack industry from killing the Greyhounds and also finding new loving homes for these beautiful dogs. Now it's the time to send it out to an agent/publisher. But I don't want to deal with someone who doesn't care about Greyhounds. Ideally, I'd love to work with someone who is deeply interested in rescuing Greyhounds or animals in general and is passionate about dogs specifically. I feel that this book could bring the issue of rescuing Greyhounds more mainstream. I thought that since there are so many people here, there might be someone who knows someone who knows someone... Simply put, I'm looking for a compassionate soul to connect with. If anyone knows about an agent or editor who handles middle grade novels about dogs, that would be a big help and hopefully, soon, we could bring up the issue of rescuing these lovable dogs more widely.


About myself: 4 years ago, my wife and I rescued our Greyhound, Sheba, from New England Greyhound Rescue in MA. Out baby is the sweetest thing in the whole world! And she will be a rising star soon (the dog in the novel is named Sheba too). :rolleyes:






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Welcome, congratulations on the book and yes, we need pictures of Sheba! :colgate

Kim, (Herman), Pixie (NK Mary Ann), Kitten, Sammie, Darcy and Scout

Callie (Callie Walker), Ava (Lass Dance), July, Peanut, Kodi, Bailey, Kony, PJ, Scampie, Carlo & Casey waiting for us at the bridge

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Guest MomofSweetPotatoes

Hi Jeff,


Welcome to GT, your book sounds like it will be a good read.


May I ask where and how you did your research for the book? Meaning did you stay with the US side of things or did you study UK racing and kennels and adoption, etc.


I forgot to add, Sheba is a looker :)

Edited by MomofSweetPotatoes
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Guest TheRisingStar
May I ask where and how you did your research for the book? Meaning did you stay with the US side of things or did you study UK racing and kennels and adoption, etc.


I visited a Greyhound track in the US, read books, researched on websites for actual information about the life in the kennel, etc. But my book is actually a novel about a Greyhound who searches for a new home. I'm also writing a movie script and am almost finished with polishing it. :colgate

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