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Posts posted by DofSweetPotatos

  1. Have you tried a calming cap? This "softens" their view of the world, which can allow them to tolerate more input without getting overwhelmed as quickly. It's not a cure all, but it helps.

    It's so tough when they have a very low threshold. :-( we had good luck with the cap and using some of Emma Parson's techniques.

    Thank you for not giving up . It's a tough road when you have an anxious/reactive dog. Wishing you guys peace.

  2. Eyes are nothing to mess around with. I would call your vet and get him/her in for a check. It may be a scratch and not an infection, or it could be allergies or, oddly, it could be a tooth issue.


    Good luck and I hope everything is o.k.

  3. Ask for another bottle of mometamax. Then, take 2 cotton balls, soak the with solution. Flip the ear and stuff the cotton ball in as far as you can. Do the same to the other side. If you can, hold the ear flaps closed by petting or massaging. If not, just let him shake them out. You'll need a second bottle ad you will use a lot of solution, but sometimes thhis method will be less traumatic

  4. We had to get a fountain to prevent UTIs. Even though we changed their bowl 4 times a day, there was theory that the stagnant water may have been causing the issue .I cant say I have hard evidence that it was the cause or that the fountain helped because we also did a food change thinking the phosphorous levels in the food might have been a contributing factor. But after those changes, our issues resolved.

  5. Muffin pan and tennis balls. Put a couple/few tennis balls into the cups of the pan. Under one or two of the balls, hide a super stinky treat. Also put a super stinky treat in an uncovered cup of the tin. If she knocks a ball out of the way, she will find a treat. And to ensure she doesn't fail, there is a treat in an uncovered cup.

  6. In addition to JjNg's post, I would turn the unwannted behavior (bed stealing/hovering) into a wanted cue. You could teach each dog "place". Which would mean they go to their respective corner/bed/mat/crate and reward. You'll have to teach it to one dog at a time, they should each have their separate place. But, place is great for getting that stressy situation to stop and it engages both dogs safely.

  7. Pam, it is just good client service for them to note things like that.

    The practice I worked in did the same thing for several clients.

    Pam, glad Poodle has found a good doc, sorry you were treated so crappily. Some vets, just like human docs, have zero bedside manner .

    I think we, as pet guardians, have to remember that when we visit the vet we are making decisions regarding care based on information and statistics and guts. Much like an HMO does for humans (minus the guts). When it boils down to it, it is all managed care.

  8. I understand the sharps disposal fee. Not only is it a fee, but it is also a way to show the regulatories that sharps are supposedly being disposed of accordingly. Just another record tracker. Some vets oversell and over charge and some don't. Having worked ins vets office, I've seen both sides of that coin. The office I worked in, vets made a "commission" on services sold. Some vets were like car salesmen and others just practiced good medicine. I no longer work there because I had issues with the upselling, especially when they started pushing the techs to do it. I can't, makes me uncomfortable. I can educate a client, but I can't push them to buy.

    I like to go to a more transparent practice, so I do. I have a very open line of communication with my vet and know who I wish to see at the practice. There is one doc I avoid because she did the "oh, he needs a dental" while barely lifting the lips. I informed her that he only has his 4 canines. To which she. Rapidly changed subjects. After the visit I spoke with the office manager about it and the problem has been addressed. There is a note in my file that I will not see that doc.

  9. The standard for pointy things here has been bread. 5-6 slices works great. We did that when Battle countersurfed and then munched on a package of sewing needles and i could not account for all of the needles. (We were short two, but I htought the package was new). The X-rays showed a nicely outlined stomach full of bread. Honestly it was the most beautiful Xray I had seen, one because there were no needles in any of the Xrays and two, you could see his digestive anatomy perfectly because of all of the bread. :-P That will teach me no not decide to sew up the dropped hem on a pair of dress pants at the last minute. We dropped him off at the e-vet and then brought him to the wedding we were going to. Lol!

  10. How about slip knotting the loop over your left wrist, put a drip loop of slack between your wrist and your leash length and then holding the clicker over the leash. This leaves your right hand available for treat delivery, poop bag maneuvering and anything else you might need. I took a couple of pics, but can't get them to post. Poopers. I hope you understand what I am talking about though...

  11. might i suggest mcdevitt's control unleashed and emma parsons click to calm. those books are, to me, priceless. using the "look at that" , click, treat , has helped us overcome a lot of reactive situations. it got to the point i could say "look at that" and he would look at the dog and focus right back to me. its a long road, but reactivity can be unconditioned. good luck!

  12. It's almost normal to see the last 2 ribs on a greyhound or there about. Some dogs carry their weight differently. If he's near his racing weight, I wouldn't be too concerned. Remember, he's losing muscle mass because he isn't conditioned as a racer any longer. So he may lighten up. If he raced at 76, I'd almost be concerned that 80 is too heavy, but without seeing Brady, I wouldn't know. The losing of 4 pounds in 2 months is a bit concerning, but given the diarrhea, not overly concerning.

    I really hope you can get to the bottom of his digestion/motility issues as I'm sure he's just not feeling awesome.

    Good luck and gentle hugs to the both of you.

  13. How much weight has Brady lost? Do you have a starting weight and his current weight. How thin does the vet think he is?
    How many meals per day are you feeding? If it's 2, try dividing those two meals into 4. So, 4 small meals per day may stop the always hungry-ness. or he might just be one of those dogs who always act hungry. I had a couple of foodies here, you could feed them until they burst (not that I tried) and then they would still act like they were hungry.

  14. Brady has been through so much! Have you considered fasting him for 24 hours to let his gut rest? After having a dog with IBD. Sometimes this was the begining to a solution. If his bowels or intestines are inflamed, sometimes having them do a little less work will help calm things down.

    Oatmeal is a good grain to put with your bland diet as it will absorb extra water in the colon and bulk up. Don't get instant. Use the old fashioned and cook a big pot. Also, are you using turkey, ground turkey or ground turkey breast? Ground turkey is pretty high in fat as they grind the skin in too. Tukey breast or ground turkey breat would be best, and if that's not am option, boneless skinless chikcen is usually lower in price this time of year. Good luck and wishing Brady and you better days ahead

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