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Posts posted by DofSweetPotatos

  1. Hi Dee!


    You may or may not remember the hell I went through with Dougie and IBD/IBS. Well, the 3 lifesavers to his digestive tract were bovine colostrum, slippery elm bark and good old fashioned oatmeal, cooked soft.

    Here's the dogs naturally article on colostrum. http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/bovine-colostrum/

    The slippery elm stimulates the cells that coat the stomach and esophagus to produce it's protective coating. Good stuff.

    Also, for anxiety, I've found adaptil spray and collars work well. It's 50/50 Though, when deciding to whether use or not use it, I bit the bullet and tried. There's lots of mixed reviews. I see a difference with adaptil.

    Good luck with your pup and welcome back!

  2. OK, I can't multi quote for some reason.

    His urine was not cultured until he started showing symptoms after the first round of antibiotics. So, antibiotics completed, 5 days after they were done we did the culture.

    Nothing grew.

    The ultrasound proved to be unexciting for the most part.

    There is a cortical cyst in his kidney and a small well defined even mass in his spleen that according to the doc, are rather unexciting.

    He did recommend monitoring the mass in the spleen, just in case, but not worry over it because it is even and well defined.

    His sheath and penis are clean and normal.


    His blood work is all wnl.


    The only change that has occurred recently was over the past 3 months we have weaned him off of Paxil. We gave him his last dose 2 weeks before all of this kicked off. During the weaning, we saw no changes in his behavior, so we think he did not experience any withdrawal symptoms. The only change we've seen is that he tends to dream more now, than he did before.

    So, we are at a loss. We are going to wait and watch for 2 weeks, grab another cysto and see if anything has changed.

  3. Hi all,


    Our grey KC has exhibited symptoms of bladder/prostate issues. We are trying to figure it out and would appreciate input. Here's the short version:

    It all started with a couple of inappropriate pees in the house. Not small, rather bladder emptying pees shortly after already peeing outside.

    Grabbed a sample and off to the vet. Antibiotics for 7 days and no issues. Clean and dry for 10 days then he just started dripping after coming in from peeing. I think he was unaware.

    Off to the vet, this time a cysto and culture and antibiotics (different class) and while on antibiotics, is asymptomatic but 3 days after stopping he had the same dripping episode. No inappropriate urination though.

    He is having an ultrasound of his urinogenital tract and abdomen this afternoon .

    Any other ideas for us to think about? I'm hoping the US gives us some answers.

  4. Batmom gives great advice. I had a non-grey with pretty severe S.A. just touching my car keys would start the sa frenzy.

    So, I touched my keys so many time, picked them up , carried them etc. I was finding I was leaving them all over the house (in the fridge, bathroom, on the washing machine) but, it worked. Eventually, I could touch the keys without so much as an ear raise. Then onto picking up keys and going outside. Incrementally added a little more to the equation. A couple times we backslid, so I went back a step as well until the anxiety disappeared. It took about 2 months to get to a full 8 hour day without worry.

    Good luck, SA is a toughie.

  5. What is he doing all day while you are at work? What desensitizations/introductions have you done between him and baby?

    What is the negative behaviour that you are seeing?

    Have you contacted your adoption group for advice?

    Lastly, if no-one is happy in this situation, sometimes the most loving and selfless act you can do is allow your dog to be rehomed. I'm not saying that you are at that point, but it is something to consider.

  6. Cathy, Robin was a huge personality all bundled up in fur. He was larger than life and his zest and vim were contagious.

    He was special beyond compare. When you're ready, it will come. Til then, know that he was loved by fans far and wide (and so are you!) peace and comfort to you.

    I can just imagine Robin bounding across the stars and smiling at each and every one.

  7. How about a large tote with a hole in the top for the cat, litter pan to one side, drop down platform on the other, just below the hole on top. kind of like this idea: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00KVL30NC/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?qid=1435552241&sr=8-4&pi=SL75_QL70&keywords=Clevercat#


    Or the booda dome, May work depending on the size of the cat


    Lastly, found this on instructables, it might work: http://m.instructables.com/id/Dog-Proof-Cat-Litter-Box/step3/Cutting-the-Doors/

  8. Grant,if you've been approved by the VA, then yoU should have been referred to Service Dogs international.

    This organization will get you in touch with a group that will help you select a dog with a temperament that may be appropriate for the tasks you require.

    Approved veterans are not charged for dogs or the associated training through SDI.

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