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Everything posted by sobesmom

  1. Oh crud. I don't know anything to tell you. MIL currently has a staph infection from knee replacement surgery - and it's been a bear to treat. It's a VERY hardy little germie. I think if I were you I'd find out FOR SURE if humans can catch it. You don't want it. Good luck.
  2. This is totally not a big deal - greys are dogs - dogs are mammals - mammals loose hair (even humans). So- yes, my greyhounds (dispite what SOME people claim) - shed. But - they don't shed much. Now - SPRING has FINALLY come!!! So - the dogs are shedding. Not Diana, her hair is so thin and tight, she never seems to loose a bit. But Sobe and the foster are blowing hair like crazy!!! They have more hair, and thicker than Diana. So - other than brushing daily (outside) ..... any suggestions? Also - Sobe's dandruff is showing up again. He's black, so it SHOWS. It's not his food, he's been doing very well with this food for a long time. I've started giving him fishoil caps again, and giving canned salmoln or JackMack weekly. Wait it out? Brush more? Bath? Something else? I use a "glove" to brush, with little rubber rubs in it. Maybe a different brush? Not a biggie - just looking for thoughts.
  3. Capstar, from what I know, is a pill that kills the fleas ON the dog. Dead - witin minutes. It's vet-prescribed. An effective, immediate killer. The downside is - if the dog's been in a house, the fleas probably jumped off and are breeding in the house. And, it doesn't prevent a flea from making itself at home 2 hours later. The use I know of for Capstar is : You have fleas on your dogs and in your home. Take the dogs out of your house- bomb the house to kill the fleas in the house, and Capstar the dogs to kill the fleas on the dogs so they don't re-infest the house. Effective. It's not a deterrant, or a long- term solution- it's a one-time killer bomb. If it works for her that's awesome. She's obviously very on-top-of the issue. Dealing with the FIRST flea to jump on. But MOST people don't notice the first flea on a dog, so- by the time they notice, they're in the house, and need a more full-spectrum cure. If I were to pick up a stray, and bring it home - it would DEFINATELY get a Capstar before it walked in my door. Kill off anyting it might be carrying. My vet would sell me a Capstar without a "vet visit". If I called and said I wanted one - just pick it up, pay, and done.
  4. If you have other dogs, I find that sticking a pill in a yummy thing, and giving the OTHER dog non-loaded yummies, then the foster the loaded one works well. "Well they ate it so it must be ok!" As for the chucking down the throat method, remember to tip the head up afterward, holding the mouth closed- way up. Then rub the throat or do a quick blow up the nose. Usually make the reflex-swallow. So far this week for pill-hiders, I've used hamburger, hotdog, american cheese, chicken, bread (that didn't work). Whatever looks yummy in the fridge. I've also started not making an "event" out of pills. I stuff them in something and throw it in the bowl along with the kibble at feeding time. Good luck! ETA - sorry, I just realized that I already said some of that earlier!
  5. Thanks! I probably sound silly now....but I really was VERY worrried. I've never had a dog cough. I even told my adoption rep, via email, when I was getting her advice/approval to vet.. for the issue.... that I felt terrible that a foster was sick on MY WATCH!!! Her response- thanks for taking care of it. Thank you to everyone - I mentioned many things that I read here to the vet- and I really think that it made for a better diagnosis and treatment for Wiz. BTW- he seems to be improving already! Of course he needs the full course of antibiotics.... but the cough suppressant at least is making him MUCH more comfortable.
  6. My current foster needs meds now....and I'm totally new to the med thing. I've tried several methods, but what works...and maybe only in a multiple-dog house - is - at feed time - pick up and fill the dog bowls - don't put them down. I have the dogs' attention then! Instead of putting the bowls down as usual....go to the counter. Grab some "whatever" out of the fridge. (cheese, hamburger, chicken, leftovers) and shove the pills into little pieces of "whatever". Put the loaded "bits" into the foster's bowl. ALL dogs are currently VERY IMPATIENT FOR THE FOOD ALREADY!!!! (They think I starve them). Then - distribute bowls as usual. Foster (that's getting the meds) is chomping down like everybody else. A little "suspense" made ALL 3 dogs want their food MORE!!! ... and foster didn't even notice that he was chomping down food loaded with meds. ETA: I generally agree with the "mean mom method" of opening the dog's mouth, tossing the pill in, closing the mouth, then rubbing the throat or blowing on the nose to cause a swallow. I'm only using the "sneaky method" because my vet didn't carry meds in a dose for a large dog. So - for an antibiotic and cough suppressant, instead of 2 pills 2x per day ...... we got 6 pills...2x per day. That's a LOT of pills to throw down. I'm not throwing 6 pills at a time down a dog. So - we do "sneaky".
  7. I got the good vet! (the other is a good vet, too - I just like and trust one more than the other). She feel's that he's got an upper respiratory infection. Probably not bordetella, but one of many others. So - antibiotics and a cough suppressant for 7 days - and we'll see how it goes. He seems to have reduced coughing already! Hopefully my dogs haven't caught it, but we'll know soon. And - he's gained 5 lb in the 8 weeks he's been here.
  8. See my post about my foster. I don't know what it is - but he's be coughing consistantly for almost a week. Vet check tomorrow. Hopefully an answer.
  9. I haven't lived your exact situation - but DH and I do disagree about this. We also disagree about what I pay for "good" dogfood - extravagant in his eyes. And - he's made comments that he would NEVER pay X dollars for a severe medical issue for a dog.... but.... if it came to it - he'd do it. He might crab about it... but he'd NEVER oppose me in what was the right thing to do for a dog.
  10. So- we've given it "wait and see".... with the group's ok, I called the vet today. Foster has an appt. tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. And - they asked me to bring a "sample". Ok. But - he's actually more of an "afternoon" pooper....so I might not have that. I think they can "get" a sample if I can't provide one. And - I don't think worms are the issue. I'm getting REALLY worried now. Last night he coughed/puke-noised ALL night long. And - started whining. Not good. And- I'm not "really" confident in my vet's office. They have one vet that I LOVE. She's relatively new - but she came from a place with a big greyhound group, so she's seen LOTS of greys. And - the first time I had her for a vet for my dogs - she said greys were her FAVORITE breed. The other vet....the "senior" vet.... barely knows what a grey is. He's practiced here for 30 yrs...... and has never seen a grey befoere mine. There are NO other greys here. We had a bit of an altercation once, when I brought a grey in for stitches, and he was going to "knock her out"... and I asked with what. Sorry- informed patient - and - when he told me what he'd use - I said no. Too strong. So - we had a bad incident.... the treatment went fine with a MUCH lesser dose... but thank god for an informed person. But - he thinks I had a chip on my shoulder and told him his job. But - the next time I took my dogs there for shots ---- he did nothing but RAVE about how wonderful they looked, in such good shape (he sees a LOT of fat dogs)....how well-behaved they are... how WONDERFUL it was that I adopted these dogs....blah....blah...blah..... I think his partner had a "chat" with him. So - I've got a 50/50 chance of drawing a vet I'm comfortable with tomorrow. And - NO - I DON'T get to express a preference. This is a SMALL town. There are 2 vets in the office - and 1 is out on "calls" for horses and cows. So - I'm a little nervous. I'm worried about what the heck is wrong with foster, and I'm going in with a good amount of info - I've asked here, and done research eslewhere...... and have some thoughts. I do not have an answer....but....whichever vet I get - I'm going to ask EVERY question I've come up with. So - please cross ALL fingers and paws for my foster tomorrow.....I hope it's nothing serious, and I just missed something obvious.
  11. Yeah! You SHOULD be happy about this visit!!
  12. Thanks for everyone's input - I LOVE this site!!! I emailed my adoption rep today, and she suggested that it probably wasn't kennel cough...since he's been here for 6 weeks with no symptoms, and my dogs don't cough, and he hasn't been exposed to any other dogs in this time. Also- probably not reverse sneezing, since it started 3 days ago, never before and is persitant. So- that leaves - some blockage. Or a heart issue. If it's a blockage, it's not a total blockage... since he still eats, drinks, poop, and pees normally. So- it might hack up, or go down on its own. A heart issue - is possible, but relatively rare. So- her advice is "wait and see" for a couple days. If he's no different by Monday (or if something gets worse) to the vet. I DID change his food in the same timeframe. So - as goofy as it is (my adoption rep thinks it's really goofy) I've switched him back to the food he had before the coughing. Just to rule out the crazy possiblility that it's some weird food thing. I've never heard of coughing as a symptom of food change - but it doesn't hurt to rule it out IMO. Thanks everyone, I'll keep you posted! Please cross your fingers and paws for Wizard, that this is a simple little thing.
  13. I was worrying about that too. But he's been with us since February 9th, so I though he'd have it sooner if he had it? Maybe, but it just started one day and hasn't stopped. He kept me up all night last night doing it.
  14. Occasionally, my dogs will eat or drink too fast - and make a coughing/hacking noise. And occasionally puke up a sliimeball. The food or water they just horked down. I think that's normal, as long as it's occasional. My foster started making that noise a few days ago. At first I thought he just ate something too fast, or ate Stuffy stuffing, and needed to hack it up. I've seen puked-up stuffing before. NO big deal (just don't let THAT foster destroy a stuffy). And pick up the puke quick - so they don't eat it and puke it AGAIN!!!! I had one foster that would keep EATING it after he puked it up!!! But - it's been going on for several days now. He might make the "hacking/ puking" noise every 2 minutes for ten minutes....then nothing for hours. Then - start it again. It's off and on, but it's been going for a few days. He sounds like he needs to puke something up. Like a cat with a hairball. Or something is stuck in his throat. Or - he's a smoker with a hacking cough. He's never puked. It sound like he should...but he doesn't. I really wish he's puke it out!!! And - he's happy healthy and well. Eating well, pooping fine, playing great, sleeping fine --- normal in every other way. He "may" have eaten something odd. He does pick up strange things to chew on - a pen cap on the floor - a colored pencil...just random stuff. He's in the "experimenting phase" and checking things out. But - in my experience....most things pass OK. Heck - Diana pooped Crayons for quite a while! Then we learned to PUT UP the crayons! But it never hurt her. ( She just had PRETTY poop). So - what IS this?????? I wasn't concerned at first...but now it's continuing. I gave him a piece of bread, to clear it out - it didn't. I'm not an alarmist....but I think I'll email my adoption coordinator tomorrow - and ask her opinion, too. I swear he's got a "frog" in his throat. Vet - or not?
  15. What a bummer. I'm sure she'll be fine until tomorrow. In fact, when you take the wrap off in the morning, (IF there's any wrapping left) - the whole nail might be gone, and you're in the clear. Diana ripped an entire nail off one time (EWWWW) and she didn't even notice! No vet, no nadda. She was fine. If you've got a nail "hanging" though, I'd probably have it removed. Trust yourself and your dog- if she's telling you she's ok for the night .... she is.
  16. No worries. You didn't do anything wrong, stuff just happens. I'm kind of amazed you made it almost a year without a bungie! That doesn't look like one I'd worry about though. Not deep, and not in a place (like a shoulder) where the skin is constantly pulling. Just clean it, and keep an eye on it. It probably won't infect, because she'll probably lick it clean herself. My dogs wouldn't even tell me about that either - I'd just see it and go "HOLY CRAP".... but they're just fine. If you've got EMT gel, use it. I wouldn't worry though. I did used to worry about every bungie - but now I've realized that these dogs are NOT made of china. It's a boo-boo. It's fine. (Does make you feel awful the first time though!)
  17. You beat me to the punchline! I was going to say that our Diana is a notorious eye-eater. And - I actually HAVE had the poop staring back at me!!!!! Di has eaten dozens of eyes of all shapes and sizes - with no ill effects. Not that we normally give her stuffies with eyes - but she's a thief. DD's stuffed animal collection (including some actual collectibles) has suffered horribly. 99% of the time - they'll pass it just fine. But - once an eye-eater, always and eye-eater. So - de-eyeball stuffies in the future. Also look out for "sound-boxes" that squeal, etc. Diana LOVES to pull them out too. A screaming monkey only screams for about 4 minutes here.
  18. Also - scoop up poop in the yard immediately. Wormies can get into the soil, and the dogs re-infect themselves by walking in it (or the ground the wormies go into) and then licking their paws. Also- if you go to a dog park a lot, it may get picked up there. I'm pretty sure I read this here - but don't have a good reference - so anyone please correct me if I've mis-spoken. I'd also put her on a monthly, maintenance type worm-preventative - Sentinal, or Interceptor. Once you clear up this bout - the preventative meds "should" keep her from getting it again.
  19. As for getting the muzzle off - Birdwell also sells a muzzle keeper. It's a strap that goes from the back strap of the muzzle, around the collar, to keep those clever pups from getting it off. And - Benedryl may do the trick. If a single exposure caused a reaction, and licking helped.... then licking caused the feet to hurt.... they lick MORE! Benedryl make break the cycle... and get your pup healed up, and break the licking habit. We give Sobe 1 in the a.m. and 2 at bedtime (when it's the worst). He's 80 lb. It's worth a shot - sometimes the "habit" is worse than the cause. But - if it continues after a week or so on Benedryl, I'd start looking at food and such. But I'd definately try Benedryl first. Sobe gets a mystery, seasonal allergy every fall. The change in weather, possibly fallen leaves, possibly pollen, put him in a foot licking, face rubbing fit. A few days of Benedryl fix him right up. Also - now that we're using heat in the house constantly, he's starting again. I'm doubling up on the fish oil (assuming dry air/ dry skin) but if he starts getting bad - Benedryl for a few days will set him straight. I want to avoid/break the licking cycle. Good luck - I hope it's simple and, even if you never find the cause, you can get it straight. I personally wouldn't jump to food allergy right away, if the pup's on the same food as usual.
  20. I don't know if it's the same thing, but Sobe had 2 "growth" things. One on each shoulder. White, sticking out, elongated, about 1/4" inch long. Didn't bother him a bit, but they were visible. I pinched at them, and there didn't seem to be any feeling in them. I asked the vet, when he went in for shots, and he said they were warts. Looked like what I would call "skin tags". He snipped them off, then burnt the skin. It didn't bother Sobe a bit. He said they didn't NEED to be taken off - no problem - but ... it's a cheap, easy procedure. He said if my dog had any hair, I'd never know he had them. And, apparently (like humans) a virus causes warts, and you carry it forever, so he'll probably get them again. Not sure if it's the same thing as Melody's... but if it came off ok, and she looks fine, I probably wouldn't worry about it.
  21. I post my mistakes quite often.... in the hope that others may read and not do the same dumb things. I'm not proud... I'm still learning and I make mistakes.... we all do. Here's today's lesson - I'm horrible with nail trimming. I hate it. And my dogs know it. We've done clippers, and Dremmel. I "thought" I was doing better - but we're scatter-shot with trimmings. I do a paw here... and there... and wherever...don't push it. So I'm getting at nails randomly. I do 2 paws on 1 dog..1 paw the next day...first dog again a couple days later...very randomly... and I stop when they get annoyed. But - over all... I thought I was doing ok. WELL - I learned something tonight! Sobe came in from potty limping. I picked up his foot, checked the pads, up the leg, and saw nothing. We have crusty snow, and I know that can hurt those skinny legs, so I didn't think too much of it. Later, he was lying down, and I looked at his foot. His pinky toenail had hooked OVER the next nail!!!!! HOLY CRUD!!! I moved it back, and he was fine. His nails are a bit long....but that one was really INSANELY long! Either it grows WAY fast... or ... I missed that one!!! Regardless.....here's today's lesson.... make sure you trim ALL nails.... because one can overlap another and hurt! No damage done - but WOW - I don't know how THAT nail got SO out of hand..... BTW- it was the "pinky" toenail..and the rest of the nails are OK. I'm a good grey-mom.... but heck....I screwed up on this one! I feel like crud. Sobe is 100% happy now, BTW... but there's going to be some thorough... very thorough... nail trimming in the morning!!! Can one nail be the freakaziod - quick -grower!!! Anyway - the point is - make SURE you clip them ALL. I'm going to make sure to count nails from now on!!!
  22. I've done gauze pads, wrapped with vet wrap (awesome stuff) covered with a sock, held on with more vet wrap. Then, muzzle the dog, with a poop guard to hopefully keep her from pulling it off. Restrict movement, crate if possible. But that was for gushing blood from a lower leg cut just above the foot. If it's just spot bleeding, and nothing serious, I'd probably give up and let her lick it clean. Restrict activity until it heals. Wrapping a foot, if it's not really necessary, is really hard, and requires constant supervision. If it's just a few drips after she is active, I personlly wouldn't get worked up about it. Just keep her off the carpets. Does she walk on that foot? If so - I really wouldn't worry, or do too much about it. JMO.
  23. Quite rarely, and they never "need" it. They don't ever smell doggish. And dirt seems to roll right off. Diana is quite hard to bathe because her hair is so thin and tight, that the water rolls right off! Sobe however, has really thick, black fur, and tends to be oilyer (oilier? oily-er? how do you spell that????) More OILY than most. Anyway - a couple months post-bath, when you pet him you can feel a slight something on your hands. I don't like that, so he gets a bath then. After, he feels like silk again for a couple months. It could be from the fish oil, etc, I give him to keep away the dandruff. Our last foster, though, was white with patches, and he got dirty! He definately looked better after a bath. If I had a white, I'd probably bathe it monthly, just to keep really white. Oh geez. I just realized this is a really old thread! How did it manage to resurface? Oh well.
  24. Well...if you found pieces of bag strewn around, I'd take that as a good sign. They bag was ripped/chewed into smaller pieces - so he didn't swallow a whole bag in one piece. (Sounds strange- but I've seen dogs swallow and poo some huge things). I'd probably do wait and see. Definately pay attention, though. Watch for any signs of distress - lack of appetite, not pooping within a day, panting, pacing, etc. It'll probably re-appear tomorrow. As for the "why" --- dogs are weird. (Or possibly, as it was a grocery bag, it may have smelled like whatever food was previously in it). Or- if your dog is anything like mine - they KNOW good stuf comes in plastic grocery bags, so they must be inspected! Until they become poop bags, of course.
  25. Glad she's ok! We had a foster with a special fetish for socks. He ate and barfed up several. Do you know how HARD it is to keep all socks out of range at all times???? Obviously beyond my family's abilities!
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