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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. I'm sorry. I'm glad he got to spend his last year with you.
  2. Pokey was clearly a wonderful pup. I'd love to see even more pictures.
  3. I am so sorry. Godspeed Max, Tigger, and Cinder. And to you and Trouble
  4. Welcome, and thanks for the pics.
  5. Congratulations Reyes. You did a great job finding your new family.
  6. Congratulations!!! He looks delighted.
  7. Hannah, you twerp. You must be related to Betsy. I put some vet wrap on Betsy's happy tail yesterday--because I'm sick of cleaning blood spots off every available surface--and then went to the basement. Five minutes later, the vet wrap was gone, and I had to get the peroxide out. She got roughly 1 tsp ( 1 cap) and then another of the same 5 minutes later There was no time for being nice. I pried open her mouth, pointed that needle nose in the air and poured. Then I stroked her throat till she swallowed. The gagging commenced almost immediately You can use up to 1 teaspoon for each 10 pounds of body weight, at least according to Petplace.com on Inducing Vomiting. I can't bring myself to use that much, but the less I use, the more likely it is that I have to do it again. I keep a squeeze bottle (from CHX Rinse (doggy mouthwash)) with the peroxide. Thanks for the tip re bubbling; I hadn't heard that. Another tip from Petplace.com: use the 3% solution, not the hair strength stuff.
  8. He had the sweetest face. I'm so sorry he wasn't able to come home with you. Thank you and Sara for what you did for him.
  9. I'm sorry about Bluebird. But congratulations re Surf.
  10. GreyPoopon


    I'm glad that Dave finally made it back to you. I only wish he could have stayed longer. Run free, special boy.
  11. I'm so sorry. One of my sisters lost her first wheaten that way. My condolences to your Mom.
  12. I am so very sorry. She was far too young.
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