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Posts posted by Jackandgrey

  1. I am certainly not an expert. However, she was housetrained but at her foster family's house. Not yours. So it is house training 101 for her. She must be in your sight at all times when you are at home. This so you can catch he before she goes and hustle her out.


    The umbilical method may work well for you or use a babygate to keep her in the room where you are. Don't let her wander away out of sight, You need to increase her potty breaks - 1st thing in the am , immedietly after eating, and every couple of hours when you are home etc. On work days it would help if you could get someone to take her out at least mid day.


    Can you perhaps try babygating her in the kitchen or an area easy to clean while you are gone if she is unhappy in the crate?


    Oh and of course you must remove any lingering odour of pee where she has gone to date with a good enzyme cleaner. Good luck!!!!


  2. Use it every day at work. It absorbs several times it's weight in moisture. Very fascinating stuff. Im so glad her tail is better and that she kept some of her white tip. i would hate to lose Jilly Billy"s white tip and was afraid I was going to at one point.

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