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Posts posted by Sirocco_Nikki

  1. The spirit of these pups never ceases to amaze me. The student-vet brought Princess out to Hope. After a quick potty break outside, Princess climbed up onto the padded bench to snuggle with Hope while we waited for the vet. Then, Princess curled up and slept next to Hope in the back seat on the way home. About 5 miles from Hope's house, Princess picked her head up and started watching out the window. She knew where we were headed. :wub:

  2. Hope, I am sorry but I am just now seeing this. My Subaru and I will be extremely happy to drive you to OSU to pick up your baby girl. Don't even think you need to do it alone. You helped me get the little moose to Richmond (btw, she's been off their website for 3 weeks now), this is the least I can do. I don't have anything planned this weekend. SO YOU HAD BETTER CALL ME WHEN IT IS TIME TO PICK HER UP!!!!!

  3. Yukon (12.5 y.o.) has recently turned into a pushy, sassy little pig. Demands lovies and the right to lick ice cream dishes.






    And we couldn't be happier. Yukon was VERY hand-shy and afraid when we got him 4 years. For months, he hid behind the chair in the family room. He'd only willingly come out to eat. I thought obedience training might help him develop confidence. He shook so bad that the poop would just fall out and he never realized it. So, sassy rotten behavior by our old guy is a major cause for celebration.

  4. We went the pain med only route when Sirocco was diagnosed in mid July. While others chose amputation with/without chemo, pain meds only was the best decision for us. No two dogs/families/financial situations are the same so it is important to make the best decision for your circumstances. One of the big factors for us was Sirocco's separation anxiety. We believe his quality of life was much better since we kept him home in comfortable and secure surroundings. We made the same decision when our Chester (lab x) was diagnosed with bone cancer in his jaw for the same reason. I have never regretted either decision for a minute.


    Also, there is no shame in admitting to yourselves that you just can't afford the amputation/chemo route if that needs to be the deciding factor. Make the best decision you can out of love and it will not be the wrong one.

  5. Thanks so much for the encouragement and advice. I met with Joanne, the trainer, a while ago. She had much the same advice. However, she had an explanation for it I could understand. At her previous foster home, she was terrorized by cats. At my home, she is free to act like herself.....in other words, a teen-aged butt-head lab. She doesn't understand how the home environment works here and is testing her limits. Joanne was very encouraged that the foster did not try to use teeth. However, Joanne gave me some additional NILIF to use. We are going to do private obedience classes for two weeks and then start regular classes.


    I want to make sure she has the best possible chance for the best possible home in case it is not ours.

  6. We are currently fostering a little grey mix with the intent of failing. However, I was petting the foster tonight and talking to dd when Nikki (resident 10 y.o. grey) walked up to us. The foster grey suddenly lunged and started barking at Nikki. It took both DH and I to break it up. No teeth came in contact but it scared the bejeebers out of me. It took a while for Nikki to stop trembling also. There has been only a little grumbling between the dogs but nothing serious. I was prepared for food aggression, sleep aggression, or space aggression, but not this.


    I already had a meeting with the obedience trainer we use tomorrow. My biggest fear though is my 12 y.o. ds. He gets home 15 minutes before dh and lets the dogs out. I have been muzzling the dogs when we leave. However, it seems the biggest risk is when we are at home instead of away. It scares the stuff out of me though that ds might get in the middle of another episode.


    Has anyone dealt with this before? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. She has been a great little girl. She has 12 y.o. Yukon playing chase in the backyard. She is sweet as can be with humans. I thought she might make a great therapy dog. She didn't display this behavior in her previous foster home. I feel sick.

  7. Checking in for updates. I think of all of you often.


    Kim, please let us know what your vet says about pain control. Towards the end, Sirocco was getting tramadol every 4 hours with rimadyl 2x day. Our vet said to give him a tramadol whenever he was uncomfortable. His cancer was very aggressive so the benefits far out-weighed any possible side effects.

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