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Posts posted by Greytlady94

  1. I am so, so sorry. In time Lucky will lead you to another gentle soul who needs you. Try to take comfort in knowing how happy she was with you. Lucky is running pain free at the Rainbow Bridge, she is in very good company. :candle

  2. Bev, I am so, so sorry. You and Marc did everything humanly possible for sweet Maddison, and we all anxiously prayed for him daily. God must have needed a special pupper and now Maddison is running pain free at The Bridge with all of our puppers who went before him, he is in very good company. :candle




    I was standing on a hillside

    In a field of blowing wheat,

    And the spirit of a Greyhound

    Was lying at my feet.


    He looked at me with kind dark eyes,

    Ancient wisdom shining through.

    In the essence of his being,

    I saw the love there too.


    His mind did lock upon my heart

    As I stood there on that day,

    And he told me of this story

    About a place so far away.


    As I stood upon that hillside

    In a field of blowing wheat,

    In a twinkling of a second

    His spirit left my feet.


    His tale did put my heart at ease,

    All my fears did fade away

    About what lay ahead of me

    On another distant day.


    "I live among God's creatures now

    In the heavens of your mind,

    So do not grieve for me, my friend

    As I am with my kind.


    My collar is a rainbow's hue,

    My leash is a shooting star.

    My boundaries are the Milky Way

    Where I sparkle from afar.


    There are no pens or kennels here

    For I am not confined,

    But I'm free to roam God's heavens

    Among the Greyhound kind.


    I nap the day on a snowy cloud

    Gentle breezes rocking me,

    And dream the dreams of earthlings,

    And how it used to be.


    The trees are full of liver treats,

    And tennis balls abound,

    And milkbones line the walkways

    Just waiting to be found.


    There even is a ring set up,

    The grass all lush and green;

    And everyone who gaits around

    Becomes the Best of breed.


    For we're all winners in this place;

    We have no faults, you see.

    And God passes out those ribbons

    To each one, even me.


    I drink from waters laced with gold,

    My world a beauty to behold;

    And wise old dogs do form my pride

    To amble at my very side.


    At night I sleep in angel's arms,

    Her wings protecting me,

    And moonbeams dance about us

    As stardust falls on thee.


    So when your life on earth is spent

    And you stand at Heaven's gate,

    Have no fear of loneliness--

    For here, you know, I wait.


    Author unknown

  3. Michelle, I am so, so sorry that Princess Bailey is gone from your side, but her spitit will always be with you. :candle


    Thank you for sharing the beautiful picture of Bailey. That picture would be a wonderful picture to have as wallpaper on your computer so everytime you go to your computer you will see her beauty standing in the flowers. :f_white I have a picture of my Molly on my computer and every time I turn the computer on I can tell her good morning, and every evening I can tell her goodnight.

  4. Julie, I am so sorry. Starla is in the company of so many of our babies who went before her. Watch for a sign, she will let you know that she is ok.


    The greatest love of all is also the hardest. We do everything we can, and when it is time, we love them so much we know when to let go.




    I was standing on a hillside

    In a field of blowing wheat,

    And the spirit of a Greyhound

    Was lying at my feet.


    She looked at me with kind dark eyes,

    Ancient wisdom shining through.

    In the essence of her being,

    I saw the love there too.


    Her mind did lock upon my heart

    As I stood there on that day,

    And she told me of this story

    About a place so far away.


    As I stood upon that hillside

    In a field of blowing wheat,

    In a twinkling of a second

    Her spirit left my feet.


    Her tale did put my heart at ease,

    All my fears did fade away

    About what lay ahead of me

    On another distant day.


    "I live among God's creatures now

    In the heavens of your mind,

    So do not grieve for me, my friend

    As I am with my kind.


    My collar is a rainbow's hue,

    My leash is a shooting star.

    My boundaries are the Milky Way

    Where I sparkle from afar.


    There are no pens or kennels here

    For I am not confined,

    But I'm free to roam God's heavens

    Among the Greyhound kind.


    I nap the day on a snowy cloud

    Gentle breezes rocking me,

    And dream the dreams of earthlings,

    And how it used to be.


    The trees are full of liver treats,

    And tennis balls abound,

    And milkbones line the walkways

    Just waiting to be found.


    There even is a ring set up,

    The grass all lush and green;

    And everyone who gaits around

    Becomes the Best of breed.


    For we're all winners in this place;

    We have no faults, you see.

    And God passes out those ribbons

    To each one, even me.


    I drink from waters laced with gold,

    My world a beauty to behold;

    And wise old dogs do form my pride

    To amble at my very side.


    At night I sleep in angel's arms,

    Her wings protecting me,

    And moonbeams dance about us

    As stardust falls on thee.


    So when your life on earth is spent

    And you stand at Heaven's gate,

    Have no fear of loneliness--

    For here, you know, I wait."


    Author unknown


    Run free sweet Starla



  5. Molly, my baby girl, my heart hound, born 04/01/92, NGA name Inky Flake, went peacefully to The Bridge today 02/15/05  at 11:50AM. Molly was just fine on Friday, a little tight in the neck area, but otherwise ok when Dr. Robin came to do her adjustment. By Sunday night she was not feeling like eating much and was having some difficulty lowering herself to lay down. On Monday she was having trouble with her rear legs, it was like overnight she began to waste away. Her vet gave her 40 mg injection of steroids, we both were thinking either she now had a tumor in her spine or she had lumbosacral stenosis, if it was the LS the steroids would help. She was also on pain meds, torbutrol and another stronger drug. Her vet and Jim and I agreed that it would not be in Molly's best interest to put her through x-rays or other testing since none of that would change the outcome, and if the steroids didn't help, then it was not the LS, but a tumor. By this morning she was getting worse and we knew we had to let her go. She was very stressed up until the last 15 minutes as I held her she began to relax and became peaceful, the panic was gone from her eyes. She went to the Bridge on her soft bed with her head in my lap while Jim and I stroked her and told her what a good girl she was and that she could rest now. Molly was our baby for just a couple of weeeks less then 10 years. We were so fortunate to have her with us for so long, she had her first cancer diagnosis 2 1/2 years ago, so we were truly blessed to have had her with us, but to not have her right now seems unbearable. Molly has gone to join Maggie, Charlie, Casey and all the others who were waiting at The Bridge. I hope by now she has also met up with her friend Magic. All of these precious souls we are allowed to love and care for are such beautiful gifts from God, and the spooky babies are an extra special gift. My baby girl Molly, I love you so much and you will always be with me.



    We lost our Valerie on thrusday of last week.I feel your pain. Godspeed Molly & Valerie.no more pain...run free



    I'm so sorry that you have lost Valerie. We can take some comfort in knowing how much we loved them and that they are now pain free and playing at The Bridge. :candle


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