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Posts posted by gazehund

  1. Thanks everyone for the tips and warnings but do not fear, Hester has never failed in his recall, and I never use his name unless I want him to come to me. What has not been trained is heel. It is just what he prefers. I am aware of the risks and know the article the Disease of Trust off by heart. A lot of the security comes from the safety of the areas. He is never off leash if there is any chance of encounters with cars. I am not naive, if he saw a rabbit I assume he would chase.


    I see the real risk as a physical injury resulting from a chase into some nasty bushes, etc. I guess the only real question is whether he should be protected from this risk at the expense of a richer life experience. In my situation this is the real debate and I welcome your input. (Although it has not escaped me that there seem to be plenty of injuries occuring in peoples own yards.)


    I don't think you need any input from people here who don't know you and don't know your dog. Seems to me from reading your posts and looking at your lovely photo you are more than capable of deciding for yourself whether or not your dog can be safely off leash. Fear not that won't stop people here from preaching and scolding even though they know nothing about you or your situation. Please do be careful of "karma" though. It may very well come out of the bushes and trip you on a deserted beach. :rolleyes:


    Enjoy your lovely hound and please post more photos of him.

  2. We have a dog door. I am out of the house 11 hours a day. Works fine for us and has for many years.

    No, I have never found a dead groundhog in my couch. Just a pair of very much alive baby racoons who took a

    wrong turn. :lol

    :lol How did I miss that story? LOVE my dog door.

    All I've had come in is one thunderphobic chow mix from across the alley that slept in my kitchen when it stormed then went home when it quit and Angel, another chow mix that would let herself in during storms and hop in bed with us.


    Actually I have an almost brand new Petsafe large dog door that was only used about 2 months. The flap is 10.5 X 15 (several 85# greyhounds went through that model just fine in the past) -- then I got a pony in greyhound clothes. ;) I've been meaning to put it on Craigslist.


    I never told it Pam! Not much of a story but could be used for one of those eye glass commercials. :lol

    I came downstairs one evening to go to the bathroom. I heard some bitty paws ticking around the kitchen.

    I thought it was my two boy cats stalking each other as they often do. Went to the bathroom, came back out,

    bumped into one of the "cats." Who growled at me. Turned on the light to say what the heck. Ohhhhhhhh.....you are

    not a cat are ya? Okey dokey then, outside with you. Opened the door and they went their merry way. My two boy

    cats were in the room. Up on top of the cabinets with eyes as big as saucers. Not one single dog even twitched.

    We have had a dog door for the entire 18 years we have lived in our house. That was the only time we had visitors.

  3. I just can't see a dog, any dog, "enjoying" fireworks. I am sure many tolerate them but enjoy? Not so sure.

    Being out with a dog in an unfamiliar place, camping, with fireworks and a dog you suspect may already be

    startled by them is not something I would do. Just my opinion and your mileage may vary.

    To answer your question. My two boys don't bat an eye at fireworks. My female doesn't care for them.

    Fortunately fireworks are illegal in NY. We don't see too much of them.

  4. Disclaimer: What I do with MY dogs is what I do with M-Y dogs. Unlike others here I don't judge and I won't

    tell someone else what to do. Nothing more annoying than that. Also unlike others here, my dogs are off

    leash. Regularly. So to answer your questions:


    Know your dog and it sounds as if you do. If you think he won't try to get into the rip-rap chances are pretty good he

    won't. I can tell you not one of my three dogs would go near it even if they were chasing something. Up to you to decide

    what your dog may or may not do and if you want to take the chance. If it is just as easy for you to throw up some of

    that temporary fencing to be sure, do it.


    I would be far more concerned with the iron fence. The idea to define that boundary with temporary fencing is a good

    one. Should you decide to try this with your boy get him good and worn out first. Walk him quietly around the perimeter

    of the yard on leash and make sure (as best you can) that he see's it.


    You are going to hear all manner of hue and cry here. Not from me. Off leash is a personal decision. It can be done and

    done successfully. Others here have a different opinion and that is their right. Good luck!

  5. I'm all for trying to de-worm him. It could be hooks and those are hard to get rid of. Once you've done that, maybe try something without chicken. A lot of greys have issues with chicken.


    Agree with Judy and Time4ANap. Worm and try a different protein source. Cracker did not have diarrhea, but he

    was a very fussy eater. Turns out not only does chicken not agree with him he just doesn't like it. I don't feed kibble

    only. I feed a mixture of kibble, home cooked and raw. Once I switched the kibble formula to beef based grain

    free and eliminated chicken and turkey from the diet all three of my hounds are fine.

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